2023.10: New looks and more tile card features!

Does anyone know if the device_tracker changes in unifi network were intentional, ie changing from not_home to unavailable ?

EDIT: Once the unavailable device has joined the network after this update, it works as before, ie with a not_home state when disconnected

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I had same error in log this morning being still on 9.3 … so most likely there where some issues with connection to honeywell servers… it now works again for you?

yeah thats what I feared, but also the reason I tested it with a completely default frontend, not theming, no nothing.
wait, except kiosk mode.
let me try that

no that is not it. It must be Safari… on the Mac. If I pull the interface down, the whole page view, so including the left side menu is moving (you can see that in the screen recording, where the blue background shows above my Systems name).

If I do the same in Chrome, only the view content is pulled down, (so not even the view tabs/icons on te menubar) and the rest remains rock solid.

Ah thanks. Looks like it. I’ve restarted HA and now evohome is working again.


I guess, like me, a lot of people are happy with the changes, after all there are no problems when it comes to the Beta version, which is what I had]. I hope that the final result, as well as the final version, will indeed include everything necessary

same problem here, latest version broke my energy dashboard, all is stacked now on 1 big bar :smiley:

FYI: select * from statistics_short_term where start_ts is NULL;
returned no result.

Thanks. I wasn’t very patient at that point either, had been working on it for a long time. Thank you for the pointer, seriously, and next time I know what people here may want.

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I feel the same thing. Much quicker now!

Sorry, I did that immediately after but forgot to post the link. It also has the workaround, which is reinstall the Withings integration:

I have tested it in Chrome, Safari and Firefox and I do not notice the same. I cannot imagine what could be causing that.

still at a loss myself. its very reproducible, so hope to find some culprit when slowly tearing down the config…

otoh, if its special to Safari/Mac, there probably isnt much we can do…
your Safari is on the Mac too, or on the iOS app. Because that is solid too here

It has nothing to do with MQTT. I used MQTT browser and see the topics and they’re set to persist. It’s HA that is the problem, not MQTT.

Nope, it’s not MQTT at all that is the problem, it’s HA that is the problem.

This isn’t even related to the HA MQTT add-on, this is an entirely different dev release. Not related at all. Again, I stated I looked into MQTT browser and I see the topics and they’re set to persist. The problem is NOT with MQTT, it is a problem with HA frontend.

Yeah but the issue is that retained messages are not being served up to new client connections. It is an mqtt issue.

Sorry, but you are still incorrect. I am seeing the MQTT traffic. MQTT is absolutely serving the retained messages. HA appears to just not do anything with them. MQTT staff on GitHub agree that it is an HA problem, not an MQTT problem.

I am running MQTT HA Add-on 6.3.1.

Not according to the previously posted issue.

Which has exactly this issue as you describe. But do what you want. Its your system …

“Thank you” for turning my house into a yurt. Well, not into a pumpkin.

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I think something was lost in translation there.