2023.11 To-do: Add release title

Nice release!

Would be great if you can add other entity sensors to a tile. Consider this example:

  - type: horizontal-stack
      - entity: switch.greenwave_6_6
        type: tile
          - state
          - last-changed
      - entity: switch.greenwave_6_5
        type: tile
          - state
          - last-changed

Would be great if I can add sensor.greenwave_6_electric_consumption_w_6 to a tile.

now it is absolutely perfect and complete, it was what was missing for the complete management of a family with a to-do list. thanks for the good work done, now new automations are waiting for us.

OMG, new things that solve problems Iā€™ve already been mickey mousing to achieveā€¦so many choices now.

One question: Where do I put my todo list about setting up my todo lists? ;).

Do the new to do lists support recurring tasks?

I would love to replace Upkeep Tasks with Home Assistant To Do Lists

You could use a time based automation to add the same entry using the service TODO.ADD_ITEM?

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Thanks for all the hard work. And as an added bonus it looks like I use half as much energy :rofl:

More on that here:


Many thanks to all contributors for this feature-packed release.

Special thanks to raman25 for the following addition:

raman325 extended our template engine with the ability to check the type of a variable. Super helpful for complex templates! Thanks!

What isnā€™t mentioned in the Release Notes is that raman25 has also included the ability to create sets and tuples from an iterable (like a string or list). See: Type Conversion

Itā€™s the ability to create sets that interests me because it allows you to leverage a setā€™s methods.

For example:

  • issubset() indicates if a setā€™s members exist in another set (i.e. do these three lights exist in this group).

  • difference() returns a set containing the difference between two or more sets (i.e. these two groups of lights do not have these four lights in common).

  • intersection() returns a set containing what is in common between two or more sets (i.e. these two groups of lights have these five lights in common).


For the first time in many months (years?) of flawless upgrades, I had a minor issue today after this one. Iā€™m not sure itā€™s more related to simultaneously upgrading my ZWavejs2mqtt image along with the HA 2023.11 image though (so perhaps more Zwavejs2mqtt change).

For some reason, a couple of my Z-Wave devices had their device_id change, which broke a few automations.

Anyone else see this?

yes, simply create an automation that creates the todo item every so often

I have fully removed grocy and its custom component that I was using for todos and have replaced it with built in todos. Everything including notifications for unchecked items and new items are working. The only thing missing is the ability to get a list of currently unchecked items, but it was said that that is coming in the future.

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Love that we finally have multiple lists! Mildly frustrated that itā€™s still done via a top level side panel that canā€™t be disabled for standard users and that the side-panel doesnā€™t go away if all lists are deleted / destroyed. Additionally the lists defined show up in the panel and canā€™t be made admin only :frowning:


The docs state that:

ā€œTodoist completed to-do items are not visible in Home Assistant because they are not returned by the Todoist REST API.ā€

However, I already had a rest platform configuration for a sensor that lists all completed items using the endpoint: https://api.todoist.com/sync/v9/completed/get_all

- platform: rest
  name: Tasks Completed
  method: GET
  resource: "https://api.todoist.com/sync/v9/completed/get_all"
    Authorization: !secret todoist_api_token
  value_template: "Ok"
    - items
  scan_interval: 60

With that sensor, I was able to create a markdown card with the appropriate templating to display all of todayā€™s completed tasks grouped by task list.

As this is still functioning, what would the limitation be that prevents the new Todo integration from being able to display the same information?

please give me some examples how to use to do on my kids chores. I canā€™t wait to roll this to their lives.

Luckily I do not often use device idā€™s, but I too had some automations and scripts disable because device idā€™s had changed. These automations worked fine until the update. But for me the devices belonged to the Motion Blinds integration, and one other I do not remember. I hope I found all situations. It was for maybe three or four devices, not all of the devices for this integration either.

I also had a strange thing (may be unrelated): after the first attempt to install the release, after the reboot the old release was still installed. A second attempt was successful. I discovered a rollback log, so something must have gone wrong the first time.

The behaviour is like to replicate would be

Task reoccurs every 4 weeks, but timer only resets when the last is actually completed

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The Todo link icon isnā€™t showing up in the sidebar. Is there something special I need to do to activate it?


If ā€œTake out Garbageā€ is uncheckedā€¦ and TV turns onā€¦ Turn TV off!


I find the frontend much snappier on this version. Anyone else notice this?
Kudos to the whole team! :grinning:

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Is it just me or does the TODAY button on Energy dashboard not actually mean today, but the current period selected in the left hand menu in the calendar selector i.e. if you select This Quarter then click the Today button it still shows you This Quarter


Update to matter?
Is it possible now to add a matter device to Google assistant AFTER it was added first to home assistant?

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