2023.11 To-do: Add release title

Hi Guys! It would be nice if the tile card could show the live status of the remaining time of a timer. Now it only shows the time set and not its decaying live.


To-Do is a fantastic development! A lot of higher level automatons could then be possible that require a combination of automatic and manual steps. So “Christmas party” or “turn down for the night” could integrate multiple chores and reminders and automations in a higher level and easier to use way than say a combination of bunch of more granular scripts “glued together” in a master sequence by manual steps and checks to be done in-between which are documented somewhere outside HA if at all.

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I was pretty excited initially about the TODO list integration but at the moment it’s in a really rough state. The automation UI doesn’t really support it, TODO’s don’t have an owner etc
 it’s very hard to create meaningful automations without really diving into the guts which makes it a feature for
 people that have more time than me.

Let me give you an example: I was going to make an automation to add a task for me and my son to take our ADHD meds. There’s no way in the automation UI to set a condition to first check if another task with the same name is in a list (I’m sure it’s possible to do by diving in the properties but it’s not jumping at me right now).

I’ll wait until it becomes a little more beginner friendly.

A post was split to a new topic: Todo list card help

Does the new FitBit integration support multiple accounts? I was able to set it up with one account, but on trying to setup a second account I get an error:

The app you're trying to connect did not provide valid information to Fitbit. Please report this issue to them.

I notice in the URL it’s passing the client_id of the first account.

Yeah, definitely more to come and difficult to get everything in the first release.


You can add additional “application credentials” in the “
” menu for integrations, then setup the integration and select the credentials of the additional account. Check out the application credentials integration docs for more.


Adding multiple tasks via automation isn’t the same as a real recurring.

A real recurring is a single object occurring a series of times. Updating it will update everything, without the need to re-synch or delete and re-add.

To explain this, imagine if instead of a single automation+scene to turn on lights at 7am daily, you had to have added 365 separate independent automations for each year of use. Then if you wanted to also play music and do some other things in that same automation, you had to worry about replicating that.

Yes I know you could tell me that at 2am you could copy the “daily” task in its current state just for tomorrow - but that to is problematic because free/busy availability for future days would then be incorrect.

The answer to OP’s question is “no, but there’s an awkward workaround” - not Yes.


I think the update breaks the Flo by Moen. I don’t know how to get logs, but have experienced the same issues on t two different systems.

Flo no longer sees the Flo online/connected. One one system I deleted the integration and reinstalled. It then didn’t even see the Flo entity.

On the system that had the entity but not connected I restored the backup and the integration came back. Restored on the second system that didn’t have any devices and it came back as well.

Let me know how I can provide any thing to help.

Please for the love of God address the huge, glaring, SIMPLE usability gaps before continuing to tack on niche functionality.

Why can’t I organize automations easily, even in a simple hierarchy in the UI?? Same for scripts. I don’t need a limitless folder system, I’d settle for expandable dropdowns. It’s so unmanageable and really shouldn’t be at this stage. Shit there are turnkey patterns available from googles material UI library that you’re already using.

Also why are so many things so damn hard to hide? I have to have a million custom integrations to rid the UI of all the shit that I don’t need or want. Let me hide the headers, the sidebar, every single thing that encroaches on my dashboard views should support hiding without complaint.

The platform is so flexible and extensible when it comes to bending connected devices to your every whim. But I have to become an expert in navigating the DOM with card mod to hide an icon from a file card. Like wtaf


Nice release, as always.

Very cool, didn’t know you could do that with credentials. Now running with two fitbit accounts! Thanks.

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Thanks for this call-out for power users.

I still need to upgrade and only checked the docs you linked. Can set and tuple be used like as filters too (like you can do with | list)?

Just quoting you for context, since my reply is more general: The use of device IDs are generally discouraged for this reason. There are exceptions, of course, but people running into such issues should instead use entity IDs.

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God I’m happy with the Fitbit integration! Somehow it never worked for me and now it just works!

But weirdly enough this update also broke 2 automations for me due to device id’s that changed somehow. Not sure why an update would change device id’s of devices that didn’t change though

In the launch blog post, the screenshots show a user image instead of the username initial in the tool/left menu. I can’t seem to find any option to set my user’s image in HA, am I missing something? My people have images, just not my user?

Anyone already working on a todo.list_items service?


The only thing I can think of is that you haven’t ticked the box “Allow people to log in”. Or your Users are not linked to your People.

Just want to say this is an amazing release. I do aprpeciate the releases every month, though I wonder if people should be made to wait for such amazing things and make releases once every 2 months :slight_smile:

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Let’s not go there. That argument has been made before and no option will ever suit everyone. I am very happy with the progress / update schedule as it is.