2023.11 To-do: Add release title

yes, simply create an automation that creates the todo item every so often

I have fully removed grocy and its custom component that I was using for todos and have replaced it with built in todos. Everything including notifications for unchecked items and new items are working. The only thing missing is the ability to get a list of currently unchecked items, but it was said that that is coming in the future.

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Love that we finally have multiple lists! Mildly frustrated that it’s still done via a top level side panel that can’t be disabled for standard users and that the side-panel doesn’t go away if all lists are deleted / destroyed. Additionally the lists defined show up in the panel and can’t be made admin only :frowning:


The docs state that:

“Todoist completed to-do items are not visible in Home Assistant because they are not returned by the Todoist REST API.”

However, I already had a rest platform configuration for a sensor that lists all completed items using the endpoint: https://api.todoist.com/sync/v9/completed/get_all

- platform: rest
  name: Tasks Completed
  method: GET
  resource: "https://api.todoist.com/sync/v9/completed/get_all"
    Authorization: !secret todoist_api_token
  value_template: "Ok"
    - items
  scan_interval: 60

With that sensor, I was able to create a markdown card with the appropriate templating to display all of today’s completed tasks grouped by task list.

As this is still functioning, what would the limitation be that prevents the new Todo integration from being able to display the same information?

please give me some examples how to use to do on my kids chores. I can’t wait to roll this to their lives.

Luckily I do not often use device id’s, but I too had some automations and scripts disable because device id’s had changed. These automations worked fine until the update. But for me the devices belonged to the Motion Blinds integration, and one other I do not remember. I hope I found all situations. It was for maybe three or four devices, not all of the devices for this integration either.

I also had a strange thing (may be unrelated): after the first attempt to install the release, after the reboot the old release was still installed. A second attempt was successful. I discovered a rollback log, so something must have gone wrong the first time.

The behaviour is like to replicate would be

Task reoccurs every 4 weeks, but timer only resets when the last is actually completed

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The Todo link icon isn’t showing up in the sidebar. Is there something special I need to do to activate it?


If “Take out Garbage” is unchecked… and TV turns on… Turn TV off!


I find the frontend much snappier on this version. Anyone else notice this?
Kudos to the whole team! :grinning:

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Is it just me or does the TODAY button on Energy dashboard not actually mean today, but the current period selected in the left hand menu in the calendar selector i.e. if you select This Quarter then click the Today button it still shows you This Quarter


Update to matter?
Is it possible now to add a matter device to Google assistant AFTER it was added first to home assistant?

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You need to add the integration if you didn’t have an existing “shopping list” (which was converted to to-do).


Out of curiosity - are there any plans to integrate any Microsoft options like Microsoft To-Do and Outlook mail in future? Are there any obstacles that make it not attainable as oposed to Google?


Per the Eight Sleep announcement for this release: I created a custom integration that works with Eight Sleep’s new auth method and new API:

To get it working you do have to “hack” the app to get your client_id and client_secret since Eight Sleep doesn’t give you any option to get that info.


Hi Guys! It would be nice if the tile card could show the live status of the remaining time of a timer. Now it only shows the time set and not its decaying live.


To-Do is a fantastic development! A lot of higher level automatons could then be possible that require a combination of automatic and manual steps. So “Christmas party” or “turn down for the night” could integrate multiple chores and reminders and automations in a higher level and easier to use way than say a combination of bunch of more granular scripts “glued together” in a master sequence by manual steps and checks to be done in-between which are documented somewhere outside HA if at all.

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I was pretty excited initially about the TODO list integration but at the moment it’s in a really rough state. The automation UI doesn’t really support it, TODO’s don’t have an owner etc… it’s very hard to create meaningful automations without really diving into the guts which makes it a feature for… people that have more time than me.

Let me give you an example: I was going to make an automation to add a task for me and my son to take our ADHD meds. There’s no way in the automation UI to set a condition to first check if another task with the same name is in a list (I’m sure it’s possible to do by diving in the properties but it’s not jumping at me right now).

I’ll wait until it becomes a little more beginner friendly.

A post was split to a new topic: Todo list card help

Does the new FitBit integration support multiple accounts? I was able to set it up with one account, but on trying to setup a second account I get an error:

The app you're trying to connect did not provide valid information to Fitbit. Please report this issue to them.

I notice in the URL it’s passing the client_id of the first account.