2023.11 To-do: Add release title

Join the beta thread on Discord then if you think it is isn’t tested enough. I think you might find it to be a bit of an eye opener …


I have a printer attached to mqtt, now that lists exist, integrating the two is going to be key. It doesn’t seem like there’s a way presently to GET items from the lists. Do I understand from your reply here that’s the case (or am I just missing it?) Looking forward to that functionality.

The functionality does not exist yet.

Is it just me or have the sliders in the UI become very cumbersome with this release? I’ve updated from 2023.10.5 to 2023.11.2 and interacting witht the input sliders (for the volume of speakers for instance) on mobile devices (touch) has become very finnicky. I’m even considering downgrading again because it was so flawless before.

At least you can interact.
In mobile Apple devices with iOS <= 16.3 - sliders are not displayed or displayed partially.
That was a “brilliant” decision of developers of Material web controls to make them incompatible with turned-to-be-old versions of iOS.

Can anybody tell me if there is a way to get the different items of a todo list?

E.g. if a todo list contains:

  • task a
  • task b

Is there a sensor / entity that exposes the different tasks? How would I be able to fetch these in a custom card?

The docs mention that the state of a to-do list entity is a number, which represents the number of incomplete items in the list. But in the attributes, I don’t see the actual tasks inside the todo list nor does the documentation provide a service to fetch the actual tasks.

Never mind - a PR is open to add the service todo.get_items.

Hey thanks for the reply. Sorry I should have said trigger rather than condition.

I’m picturing a trigger where you can specify a number of other triggers which must happen in sequence for the overall trigger to occur.

For example if I want something to happen if someone enters through the garage I might set up a sequence of driveway motion, garage door open, garage inner door open, hallway motion sensor trigger. Triggering any of those things in a different order wouldn’t run the automation, only them happening in that particular sequence.

It’s possible to do this by emulating a state machine with helpers but it’s a bit clunky that way.

Make a trigger for the first and then use a sequence of wait for triggers under the action section for the rest.

You should start a new topic to chat more about this, since it’s not related to the release.



That’s a custom Integration so you need to follow it up with the repo dev’s. ie: ONLY in that other thread.

Thanks for the answer… I read the release blog and the To-Do list Integration page and could not figure this one out until I saw your answer :slight_smile: .

I have the same problem. All the sensors defined in Node-RED have disappeared. What can I do to solve it?

No problem here, all sensors are updating as expected and are visible. What exactly do you mean with “disappearded”? Did you check the Node-RED Companion integration for errors and are the sensors still triggered in your Flows?

How much free memory do you have when running HA. I had to upgrade from an old Pi 3 to a 4 with 4Gb. HA had slow memory creep and the 1Gb Pi was hanging around 150mb free after a few days. Updates would not work unless I rebooted and freed up as much memory as I could. Now I have over 2G free and updates are fine.

all sensors and commands imported from tasmota are unavailable… all connections must be redone!!! …

Where is the “To do list” located? Instructions say “You can find the to-do list dashboard in the main sidebar of your Home Assistant instance.”
Yet nothing there. Does this require a custom dashboard to work/show up?

Did you set it up?

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Same issue here. I have to reboot my Rpi 3+ almost every day. Swap is at 100% and memory >85%.

Did not realize it needed manual install. Got it now…thank you!