2023.11 To-do: Add release title

now i want to have a conditional card with time range.
like “show this card only between 6:00 and 8:00”

It was said in jest. You know the saying, good things come to those who wait :slight_smile:

We already moved from every 3 weeks to every month. Please don’t slow it down!


It was bi-weekly actually (originally).


Bring that back! :slight_smile:

You’d be spending more time restarting than using it lol :slight_smile:

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Yeah ok. I guess it just gave me flashbacks to another thread that is currently ongoing which I’ve had to distance myself from. (about ESPhome updates)


Yeah, I know those type of threads… I wouldn’t get quite that … in depth.

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I also avoid devices in scripts and I was a bit surprised I used devices in these instances. They were mostly related to cover positions, I vaguely remember having trouble getting them to work but that was probably lack of experience back then.

The place I mostly use device triggers (but did not seem to have trouble there just yet) is with zigbee and zwave remotes. Events were not known enough to me back then, and now I’m eagerly waiting for the new event entities to be implemented in ZHA and zwavejs.

But back on topic, I realise device id’s are a risk when replacing devices, but I wonder how this release happened to change some of them for existing devices. It wasn’t a huge problem for me, but I fear for others who use them extensively.

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“All” that needs is:

  1. An API the developer can use
  2. A Python module to interact with that API
  3. A developer with the time and interest to create (2) if necessary
  4. A developer with the time and interest to create an integration

Which is pretty much the case for any HA integration really


Energy panel - I find “today” button confusing. It should always show today-daily consumption.
NOT like it works now: when I have selected “yearly graph” and click today, it shows whole 2023

Either dynamically change what the button shows (instead “today” show “this year”, “this month”…) or hardwire “today” to show daily, today consumption.

Best would be to add second button once you select anything else than daily consumption. The “today” would stay hardwired as “daily-today consumtion” and new button with “this month/this year” would appear

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Have a look at GitHub - RogerSelwyn/O365-HomeAssistant: Office 365 integration for Home Assistant, might be what you are looking for around Microsoft ToDo

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Yes, I saw that too. All my shelly devices changed IDs so all the automations stopped working.

Opened an issue for shelly: Shelly integration device ids changed · Issue #103222 · home-assistant/core · GitHub
Maybe it wasn’t shelly only but I cannot verify as I only use device_ids in the shelly automations.

Damn, My dashboard will get a few new lines of code soon :rofl:

After this update it is no longer possible to leave a device selector blank in an automation. It returns unknown device ‘’ when blank which breaks my blueprinted automations.


Have you tried Kiosk Mode integration from HACS? It allows to configure easily what components of UI (dashboard or even individual cards’ elements) are hiden from web view.

With the new Feature “To-Do” that replaces " Shopping-List" my automation wont Work

alias: Einkaufsliste Update
description: ""
  - platform: event
    context: {}
    event_data: {}
    event_type: shopping_list_updated
condition: []
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 10
      milliseconds: 0
    enabled: true
  - service: homeassistant.update_entity
    data: {}
        - sensor.shopping_list
        - sensor.shopping_list_complete
        - sensor.shopping_list_incomplete
  - service: notify.mobile_app_andre_s_pixel_7
      title: >-
        {{states('sensor.shopping_list_incomplete')}} Artikel auf der
      message: "{{states('sensor.shopping_list')}}"
    enabled: false
  - if:
      - condition: numeric_state
        entity_id: sensor.shopping_list_incomplete
        above: 0
      - service: notify.mobile_app_andre_s_pixel_7
          title: >-
            {{states('sensor.shopping_list_incomplete')}} Artikel auf der
          message: "{{states('sensor.shopping_list')}}"
            tag: shopping-list
            clickAction: /shopping-list
            url: /shopping-list
mode: single

Also the command_line Sensors i created for this are broken.

How can i fix this now?

Would love it if could syncronize Home Assistant’s Shopping List and To-Do lists with the Google Assistant’s Shopping List and Notes Lists which they now save in Google Keep.

Any tried using gkeep-list-sync (custom component that uses an unofficial client for Google Keep API)?

gkeep-list-syncA Home Assistant custom integration for adding items to your Home Assistant Shopping List from a Google Keep list. The integration relies on gkeepapi for the synchronization. This is meant to be used with Google Assistant to easily add items to Home Assistant Shopping List.

For now I keep using Google Assistant’s Shopping List since already have Google Home / Google Nest speakers in all rooms.

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The inclusion of To-do in the 2023.11 release is fantastic. It adds a significant new feature to home assistant. I can’t wait to play with it.

There is something that I think needs improvemnt. The current to-do list card allows editing the names of items as well as rearranging items. This could be annoying as users can edit the items on the list when they should stay fixed. Also, the edit boxes cause the card use quite a lot of screen space.

I’d like to see a kind of ‘read only’ toggle for the list so that only the check boxes allow interaction.

Thanks for this awesome release and the inclusion of the To-Do lists! this really is a game changer and brings multiple of possibilities. I really appreciate all the work included - keep on to this:)

Concerning the To-Do lists, is there a way to access the single items in the lists or is this still ongoing?

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