2023.11 To-do: Add release title

Hi Petro,
I appreciate the answer, and do not want a flame war. but I did say these things in my original message

I tried the back up screen and there was simply a red button in the middle - I forget what it said - so that plan was scuppered.
I get a message of This site can’t be reached

and I asked:

What can I do now to get this system back up?

Maybe sarcasm was a big word, how about we settle for his answer was not at all helpful?

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Before you do anything you should inspect your logs to see if you can work out why you are having issues. Do you have SSH access?

If so a roll-back to a previous version may be quicker than a backup.

ha core update --version x.y.z

And apologies, I meant no offence.

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Well, here the deep sleep of my ESPHome devices is broken after update.
They show up as connected on the ESPHome dashboard during their wake time, but no values are returned to HA frontend any more before they return to deep sleep. Rebooted everything without succes.
Returning to backup of pre-update.

look at the logs of your esp device and see that they are reporting. You’re only looking at the HA side, assuming that they are sending data. Typically, if an esp device isn’t showing values in HA , it’s the esp device not HA.

My 10 ESP devices are working fine over here.

All other ESP devices of the same type (D1 mini’s) are reporting correctly too here. Only the 2 that go into deep sleep don’t.

I’m on 10.5 and have tried multiple times to update to 11.0. It does a backup fine, says it’s updating for a couple minutes, and then brings me back to the update screen showing it’s still on 10.5. No errors in any of the logs that I can find. I have tried completely shutting down HA and restarting and re-trying the update many times, with the same results.

The only thing I can think that might be related is I migrated from running HA on a Pi to the HA Yellow yesterday. The migration seems to have worked correctly as all my automations, devices, etc. are all functioning correctly. But that’s the only significant change I’ve done in months.

Other than the obvious logs, is there anywhere else I can look for potential errors or indications of why the update is failing?

You can easily do that with Times of the Day - Home Assistant and a state condition, but I agree it would be nice to be able to do it without a separate sensor.

I had a similar issue a little while back. I found completely rebooting the device/operating system allowed the upgrade to work.

missed the beta cycle this time, but thanks for a nice update, no issues here, and back from a longer period being away from my system, now in the process of adapting and adding all new options this release provides us with.

The new conditions in the conditional card are especially useful for my config, thanks again for that, I can probably ditch quite a few binary sensors I made for that purpose especially,

Also, the new options for Tile are really nice, and adding those multiple attributes in the state content is just very cool, and really tempting to move to Tile from custom: button-card on some of the simpler ones.

even the yaml for that is nice to look at, and as a Yaml config user, I like the fact this is easily anchored:

type: horizontal-stack
  - entity: light.kayon
    <<: &tile_light
      type: tile
        - type: light-brightness
        - type: light-color-temp
        - brightness
        - color_temp_kelvin
        - last-changed

  - entity: light.desk
    <<: *tile_light

So yes, great work indeed!

not sure if this was already spotted, but in the restart options, the safe mode is not translated (yet) and, to my eyes, seems incorrectly ordered…

wouldnt it be nice to either show the safe mode option below the yellow Herstart Home assistant, or, if one would indeed feel this is an advanced option, order it atop other advanced options, so it at least groups the Restart Home Assistant options and below that the System options.

now it feels a bit randomly scattered

also, given the fact the Safemode is always Red, it might be an idea to rethink the colors of these icons, so it relates a bit better to the actual result

Also, detail maybe, but the main title for that card does not exactly cover its function (as it also holds system commands…)

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Yep it’ll happen.


Yeah, todoist has two apis. The sync one supports this, but todoist wasn’t using it. It needs a larger change to move to the sync API to support this.

You can ask them to add Todo list support to the custom component

I agree with the common appraisal of the development of the ToDo lists improvement.

But (there is always a “but” :slight_smile: ) it does not reach my family’s WAF-threshold, as it is not obvious that a Shopping list is a ToDo, and as she has most interest in the Shopping List only there is a need to be able to put that particular list on the sidebar, any solution to this?

Same issue here - not only that, the todo’s are in order and shopping list (for me) is below other lists :man_shrugging:

Restoring the pre-release backup makes the reporting work again for my deep sleep ESPHome devices. Will stay on 2023.10.5 for a while. It’s far from the first time that an update of some integration or core breaks things here.

is there a way to force a sync from google tasks tasks to Home assistant. If I check an option in google it should get checked in home assistant.

Maybe create a new dashboard view with View type of Panel (1 card) and just put a To-do list card on it for the Shopping List? Access would be from the tabs at the top rather than the sidebar on the left, but it is direct access to the list.

If access must be from the sidebar on the left, you could create a whole new dashboard to put the dashboard view on.

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You could create a dashboard with a ToDo card for your specific list.

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Perfect. Thanks for the suggestion - implemented and working perfectly :slight_smile:

Thanks, I have tried that several times but still can’t get the update to apply.