2023.11 To-do: Add release title

Can the time, date, and recurring attribute be added to the new to-do list that is taken from the Google tasks? Should I request this as an enhancement?

Did you check supervisor logs? You need advanced mode enabled for your user to see the dropdown to select that on the logs page.

Thanks for this release! I love the to-do list feature. My life is honestly managed by to-do lists everywhere.

There is one feature I hope will make it soon to a future release is that line breaks in a to-do item is possible. Now when a piece of text is too long (because I am adding some notes in the title too), it gets hidden, and I have to scroll right in the field to read the rest of the text. If it does a line break and the height is adjusted accordingly to fit all text in, that would be wonderful!

Hi is there a way to add items to the list with voice commands? Is there a service for it?

Like, add xxx to the list?

I havenā€™t installed the latest release to confirm they can be used as filters (my guess is yes but canā€™t say for sure).

Nopeā€¦ They currently only work as functions or tests.

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Energy dashboard date range!! we needed this since energy dashboard day 1. Thanks a LOT!

hello everyone!
great release

can someone advise how items from shopping list can be listed now?

I already tried with everything that came to my mind but no luck

{{ expand('todo.shopping_list') 
                         | map(attribute ='item') | list  }}

{{ expand('todo.shopping_list') 
                         | rejectattr('item', 'in', ['completed'])
                         | map(attribute ='name') | list | count  }}

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Which is the best way to show the todo created calendars inside a lovelace card?
I tried bot the default calendar card and the custom atomic-calendar-revive card but none is showing the entries in the calendarsā€¦

just found out that using:

type: conditional
  - entity: zone.home
    condition: numeric_state
    below: 1

also shows when the state is 1ā€¦ so below means 1 And below, while I would have expected it to be anything below 1, but excluding 1.

is this expected, or a bug in the conditionā€¦ (might be the same in the backend use of it, like in automations triggering on numeric_state, I have to rethink/check that logic)


        above: 0

does seem to work as expected, and not show on 0.

Thanks @Neil_Brownlee this helped and I am back up.


Hi @tom_l I saw @Neil_Brownleeā€™s message and I am back up, I saw yours afterward.

None taken, just I do try to take every precaution and I thought I did explain clearly enough.

But the important thing is I have lights (and the rest) again :+1:

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So itā€™s a ToDo for ToDoā€™s.
It does need ā€¦

  1. Service or whatever to list items, or better store every item as an attribute on the list
  2. Even better, expand that such that an item has
    a) ā€œnameā€
    b) ā€œdue_dateā€
    c) OK I am reaching, but dependencies on other items

Like funny example but:

The name is ā€œBecome Uber Driverā€ due by ā€œ1/8/2024ā€ and depends on ā€œGet a jobā€, ā€œEarn Moneyā€, and ā€œBuy a carā€

At least due_by as date/time would be extremely useful to some to trigger automations on past due things.

If you do not implement dates due, then it isnā€™t a ā€œToDoā€ list ā€¦ it is a ā€œWishā€ list and is named wrong, it is merely a shopping list.

Glad I could be of service :blush:

Multiple lists have been a major pinch point with my setup, I am ecstatic to finally move off of Google Tasks and have a truly robust local solution.

Thank you to everyone involved in making this a reality!

hehe niceā€¦ not quite the same but since Apple TV doesnā€™t support Screen Time (parental control) I have one that turns the ATV off if it turns on before a certain time of morning in case our daughter gets up before us :wink:

seeing this for the first time, processor use of 0% upon restarts, and a really unexpected peak of 100%

it does also throw off the graph-card, as it now states these as limits and makes that uselessā€¦

Iā€™ve thought for some time that HA needs a sequence condition - a way to define a bunch of conditions that when met and ā€œchecked offā€ in order evaluate to true. It sounds like ToDos could be used for that, although it wouldnā€™t be as clean as the single condition block I was envisioning.

Yeah, good shout TBH. I had forgotten about the few I still had pointing at device IDs until this release brought them front of mind, so definitely taking care of those automations today.