2023.3: Dialogs!

you can trigger assist from the dashboard by using a navigation tap action to /lovelace/home?conversation=1 just replace home with the current dashboard you are adding it to so you don’t actually navigate to another dashboard :slight_smile:

This is also how you can add it to your android home screen using the android app shortcut feature


This on

Thanks for the advice, but how i can delete the zigbee.db?

I think a link in the sidebar would be nice, but thanks for this tip,I’ll create my own link and put it there

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Connect with SMB or use the addon FileEditor.

Is it just me or did this update break the Thermostat card? I can’t set the desired temperature anymore

Scherm­afbeelding 2023-03-01 om 22.57.43

Same problem with the Lights card


Great release again :slight_smile:
Many nice, little changes that adds to the UI … I like it!

I do have sensors reporting “W” - which I cannot change to kW… ?
Does anyone might have an Idea why this might happen?

I have the same problem, there is an open issue on github

In which you say it is fixed in 2023.2.5


I have the same issue. I use mariaDB as well. After upgrade. no database anymore. Also in the file editor all my files are not visible. Had to downgrade again. Hope someone finds a solution for this

I tried the update for a couple of times. every time the database upgrade fails for my MariaDB on my Synology

It works! Many thanks!

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I’m on MySQL and after the upgrade, based on the table changes, my Energy dashboard looks faulty. For example, negative gas usage values. I created an issue for is, as early as during the beta phase of 2023.3 but I think it was not noticed.

So I grabbed a backup from the database and rolled back to 2023.2.5. The issue on GitHub contains the screenshots and some of the SQL data. For now I’m stuck on 2023.2.5.

I was getting this error on my Home Assistant Core w/venv:

"Error importing platform config_flow from integration zha to set up zha configuration entry: No module named 'psutil_home_assistant'"

I fixed it by running “pip install psutil-home-assistant” in the python venv and reloading the integration.


Three people describe same problem.

Three people show no logs.



right, that’s wrong :wink: dont know how we missed that… maybe it slipped in on the last beta and we didnt set the temp…

anyways, here’s the link to the issue: Lost draggable dot on thermostats · Issue #15662 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub so we can track it

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List of precision options seems to be not very rich :laughing::


I raised a bug report for this.

But even when you guess the UI - and you have a sensor with 4 decimals - and you choose any number - it shows 4 decimals. The feature does NOTHING.

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I can confirm the feature works fine on most of my 100 plus entities I use it on…

Let alone the plentitude of cut yaml round() and defaults for those

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Here are 3 sensors.

All set for 2 decimals in the new UI. And the result


I have hit control F5 many time and also restart HA to be sure. The feature does nothing

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