2023.3: Dialogs!

While I can see the appeal of the new UI change for switches etc, I personally want to see the history when I click on the entity, and being able to control things is very much a secondary requirement. In the new setup I now see the thing I don’t want and have to make a second click to see the history for each entity, which is very annoying.

Is there (can there be) a way to select the behaviour when clicking on entities - i.e. history or control. Preferably setting it as a global default, with an override per entity.


Try a different approach @nick.lawes

For controlling e.g. lights, which is a the most common case, I use e.g. Trådfri remotes in the rooms. They operate, whether there is HA running or not. Automations do their job in the background. Since the lights seem to be the area where those sliders rise their ugly heads, I have actually made controlling lights via UI needless and thus the whole UI is more or less for service & maintenance, checking occasional sensor data with 3rd party stuff like apex charts, history graphs etc., and stuff like that.

That’s to say, since I started to see ugly oversized sliders and similar “trendy” mobile-like stuff too often, I nowadays run HA more or less like PLC-style headless mode. UI is buried somewhere in the normal stack of tens if not hundreds of tabs in various browsers, from where I dig it out, when some point needs checking.

There needs to be freedom to choose. If I go to a shop to buy apples, and the shopkeeper gives me oranges saying they are better for you, I just don’t buy.

Speaking of freedom, It’s been a while since the last time visiting here. When I do not need to try to adjust my UI (controls) to my liking and have automations more or less in place, I do not need to spend my time here either trying to find ways to negate latest UI changes and can use it to something more productive. Also the tone of discussion here has along these UI changes changed to … not to my liking.

Free tip: One form of “plague” today is those ugly rounded corners everywhere. Latest probably being on Google’s Image Search.

If you have uBlock Origin or similar installed, create a custom filter:

*##*:style(border-radius:0px !important;)

…and see what happens :blush: No rounded corners anywhere. Even some loading “spinners” are rectangular :blush:

Checking back again… sometimes.



My lights etc are also fully automated by HASS, with Hue dimmers able to control the lights directly even when HASS is not working. I never touch switches or the UI for controlling them, which is why I don’t need or want to see light controls when I do use the UI. My heating is the same, as is the alarm etc.

I do look at the UI for current state and history, so I can keep my eye on what triggered and when. That way I can confirm things are working, and to help refine the automations.

For me, HASS should be doing everything without intervention, and the UI is just for monitoring and debugging.

I also don’t use the UI for configuring / editing - my configuration is kept in ansible so the more that can be done in yaml the better (although writing HASS jinja2 templates in ansible jinja2 templates can blow the mind :-). It’s another bone of contention for me when feature configuration gets moved from yaml to UI.


Looks like 2023.3.x broke my Lutron Pico BluePrint…again.
I have a simple BP for Lutron Caseta Picos and it seems that the recent updates keep breaking it’s functionality. It worked fine for months and then an update broke it until I commented out the “integration” line. It worked again for a few months since that change, but after the 2023.3.x release, users have reported that the device selector does not list any devices. I tested before updating to the latest and it worked fine. I updated to this release and it immediately broke. I didn’t see any changes listed for the Lutron integration so I can only assume this is a core issue. No error in the logs.

Can anyone suggest/post a link to where in github I should post an issue for this?

domain: automation
      name: Pico Remote
      description: "Select the pico remote to configure:"
          #integration: lutron_caseta
          model: PJ2-3BRL-GXX-X01 (Pico3ButtonRaiseLower)

I no longer get the setpoint/target temperature trended on the History trend of my thermostat. Just actual and running.


These rest sensors no longer work:

- resource: http://homeassistant:8123/api/hassio/core/stats
  verify_ssl: false
    Authorization: !secret ha_api_token
    Content-Type: application/json
  scan_interval: 31
  - name: "Core CPU"
    value_template: '{{ value_json.data.cpu_percent|round(2) }}'
    unit_of_measurement: '%'
  - name: "core_memory" # Customized as, friendly_name: Core RAM
    value_template: '{{ value_json.data.memory_percent|round(2) }}'
    unit_of_measurement: '%'

- resource: http://homeassistant:8123/api/hassio/supervisor/stats
  verify_ssl: false
    Authorization: !secret ha_api_token
    Content-Type: application/json
  scan_interval: 29
  - name: "Supervisor CPU"
    value_template: '{{ value_json.data.cpu_percent|round(2) }}'
    unit_of_measurement: '%'
  - name: "supervisor_memory" # Customized as, friendly_name: Supervisor RAM
    value_template: '{{ value_json.data.memory_percent|round(2) }}'
    unit_of_measurement: '%'

I’m assuming this is because of changes made to the home assistant API to mitigate the recently disclosed security vulnerability?

Still no fix for the transition problem of lights :frowning:

Add me to the unimpressed with new lighting control interface.
I’m spending a lot of effort to buy lights with adjustable color temperature, and now the controls have moved further away giving me a giant card with just a single GIANT dimmer, and tiny buttons to go to the other sliders.
I know I can build custom cards to deal with this (although several broke with this update), but the auto-updating overview is handy, and if it does not work there, I have to setup a lot more custom dashboards, which I will do only when the house stabilizes.
I’d either prefer adding the color temp and color sliders back when relevant, or offering a universal switch to do so, as I am hearing from a group here who view the adjustability of their bulbs as a rarely used feature, and for them this is a welcome simplification.


dont think so, mine still works

  - platform: rest
    unique_id: ha_main_config_rest_sensor
    name: Ha Main config
    resource: !secret config_resource
    value_template: >
    verify_ssl: false
      - components
      - unit_system
      - config_dir
      Content-Type: application/json
      Authorization: !secret api_bearer_token
    scan_interval: 3600

Interesting, you are using the rest platform. I’m using the rest integration.

Are you using the same resource?

yes, and before you edited your post, I just was typing I am not using the default port… :wink:
just 1 extra probably stupid measure to be a bit more secure

Issue created:

@piitaya Is there a way to use the slider horizontally? On smaller landscape devices the slider won’t fit and wastes a lot of valuable space on a small screen.


Comfortable? Why that huge button in the advanced settings dialogue? Who will use it if the button can be pressed directly into the dashboard?
How can I see the current effect set in the lamp? Open the dialog, press the button, scroll through all 100 effects and find the illuminated one? Is it convenient?
How do you switch the effect and see what colour it has set, how do you see the current colour? Jump around the boxes and menus? All for the sake of a useless huge button? These are additional properties and they need to be in front of you.
It was convenient, now it’s terribly inconvenient.


Could this be because they have no unique id? Just guessing here.

Hm… I need to Check, thanks for that hint

Hi there, just checked out 2023.3.2 Nice, but I need to go back to 2023.2.5 because the Discovergy integration won’t work any longer. It s basic for my energy report because it is a digital energy gateway for electricity. I know it s HACS but maybe sometime nativ in HA?
So I hope with the next release it will work again…

same issue for me.

Was it solved only after HA reboot?

Well, yes but it’s the second time that I need to do this. Now, Installing 2023.3 3