2023.3: Dialogs!

Agreed…fixing should always be the absolute goal but doesn’t always happen like that. Sometimes it just working is enough (and a template will do that).

If you’re after a “fix” and haven’t already you should create a GitHub issue with all the detail you have showing what need fixing, because as you prob know already a question posted here is unlikely to result in a fix :man_shrugging:t2:

@stigvi @zigomatic thanks for the response!

I restored my system to 2023.2.5, did a full purge and repack of the DB (actual size is approx 400 mb ).
Restarted the machine and upgraded to 2023.3.3, now lets wait for at least longer >13 hours then :slight_smile:


Hi, yes I agree :slight_smile:
Yes - I haven’t reported an issue on github - because:

  • the affected entities are from a custom component
  • the conversation feature itself is working (on other entities)

so I don’t see an issue with the feature itself and think, that either something on the custom component is missing - or anything else in my config is causing this issue.
Yet - since I am not sure what could cause this behave, I can’t really provide much information to the devs of these custom components…

So - I’ll still trying to detect the root cause :wink:

by the way … other topic:

I think “questions” for the Assist have been implemented with the februar update…?
Has anyone noticed that it does not work with Windows and Doors?



compared to lights

Or is this because windows / doors are not yet covered by the assist?

If you manually migrated from SQLite to MariaDB we found some users had impossible date time values in the start column of their statistics (ex there is no day 0 in any month). These values can’t be migrated successfully and will stall the migration.

2023.3.4 will have a solution for these externally created incorrect values (or you can manually remove them to allow the migration to complete)

For the avoidance of doubt this could only happen if you migrated databases (or manually inserted values). It was not possible for the values to come from Home Assistant itself since the impossible values could not be represented in python with the current design.

If 2023.3.4 doesn’t solve this, you have another condition blocking the migration such as a full disk, disk corruption, or other database problem.


Thanks for your Response!

I have not migrated from SQlite to MariaDB, but I’ve added some manual data into the statistics dataset ( to get older energy history to be visualized in the EnergyDashboard as well ).

The problem could be somewhere in there probably, but at the moment i´m unable to locate/find on what the migration is running into trouble. Can you give me a direction where I can find the logs or some information regarding this migration?
( or I can just wait until .4 is released :slight_smile: ).

There are a few intents filtering on window and door but they may not correspond to the phrase you want.


So I found the bad entry in the statistics database, just removed it and the migration finished directly after that :)!

Thanks for helping me out in the right direction.


just found an issue with the Unit_convertion when a Utility_meter (helper) is using the entity as source…

  1. Create Utility_meter helpers (weekly, monthly, etc.)
  2. Link your Energy sensor as source (unit_of_measurement == kWh)
  3. Utility_meters are showing 0.00 kWh

Change the unit of measurement to MWh…
Change the precision (?)
Change the unit of measurement back to kWh…
Change the precision (?)

the Utility_meters are showing some values they should not have:

I don’t know if the change of precision is really required… but it is the only explanation I do have at the moment why the utility meters are not showing the exact same value as the source sensor…

Github issue:

found another issue with the unit conversation in the statistics graph… :-/
The value will be recalculated, but the unit of measurement will remain the same.

Github issue:

What type of Bluetooth devices did you have? I’ve the update and would like to use the Shelly Gen2 as well. If you can detail your config that would be awesome. Thanks.

Since I had other integrations that broke I reverted from a backup really quick. When I updated to a later release the bluetooth integration worked, was a bit slow to start and see my devices. The Shelly Bluetooth bridge works fine with my thermo pro devices.

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Apologies if this has been mentioned yet, I did look through this thread and didn’t see it. It’s also nothing major…

When I go to logbook or history, and tap on Start Date or End Date to change the date/hours, the month of February shows in the date picker.

Previously, it would show the current month, and the current date selected in blue. So today it would show the month of March, but instead it’s showing February.

The current March date is selected, so it has the correct date selected, but the date picker itself shows February.

As I said, nothing major.

I’m on 2023.3.3, on a raspberry pi. A restart didn’t fix it.

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There is an issue open for this and a fix has been merged for a future release.

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this really confused me :smiley:
Was not sure, if I have changes something unintensionally that caused this behave ^^

Thanks for confirming this as an issue

I have an issue with the change to ONVIF providing the switch control for ir cut filter (infrared light). My IP Cameras support this feature and so I got new switches for the IR for each camera. The ONVIF standard allows 3 states for the ir cut filter control - on/off/auto. However, with the switch you can only set on or off.
Have I missed how you set the camera back to auto operation?
Currently the ir cut filter only stays in the state dictated by the switch. I need auto mode back somehow.

Is there anyway we could get a feature flag or something to turn off the new dialogs? I honestly hate them. They look nice sure, but 98% of the time I’m clicking/tapping into a light or switch, it’s because I’m looking for the history. And the other 2% of the time, it’s to change the color or temperature of the light. So now instead of this all being 1 click/tap into the light and I can do or see anything I need, I have to click around multiple times.


This is not true at all. Happy to test upgrades with non-production systems but I don’t install any updates unless they haven’t had minor version updates for at least 1 month.

I can’t get room temperature information with assist.
I have correctly assigned a temperature sensor to a room. The sentence is correctly transcited and corresponds to what the script expects. But it is as if the link between the areas and the measurement is not made. Is there something more to do?

But then we’re already on the next monthly update…catch22 then?

Although it turned out that users’ complains are simply ignored (check new PRs, currently more domains getting these shiny & more-or-less useless more-info windows), I will post this anyway.
Check this more-info window for a “restored” entity - now the “Delete” button is hidden, a challenge for beginners:
Since this cannot be considered as a bug, created a post in Discussions.