2023.4: Custom template macros, and many more new entity dialogs!

out of curiosity, what do you get if you go into your custom_components directory and run:

grep --include manifest.json -r dns

I rolled my own, with several other key features that provides a poor mans role-based access control mech

Nice! Do you have it posted somewhere? :slight_smile:

Thanks, we’ll track a fix in Google Calendar integration issue after Core-Update to 2023.4 · Issue #90952 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

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FYI, my scripts with import requests appear to work.

  1. Can custom templates be used inside blueprints?
    btw, currently secrets cannot.
    Update 08.04.23: yes, macros may be used in blueprints.

  2. Currently the “custom_templates” folder seems to be located ONLY in “/config”. But many people have packages located in a separate folder like “/config/conf” (btw - blueprints MUST be located in “/config/blueprints” ). If custom templates CANNOT be used inside blueprints - then these people may want to keep this “custom_templates” folder inside that “conf folder”.
    Update 08.04.23: these macros may be used in Lovelace & blueprints too, this makes them “universal” (i.e. not only related to “configuration”), so no need to place these macros inside some particular “conf folder”.

  3. Also, it would be great to have a possibility to organize “.jinja” files in folders inside that “custom_templates” folder.
    Update 08.04.23: I may create 4 jinja-files for different needs (like “time_utils.jinja”, “lovelace_utils.jinja”), each file may contain plenty of macros - so there is no need to create subfolders.

  4. Also, calling “homeassistant.reload_custom_templates” service should be added here as a separate entry:

My database actually increased in size, form 2200MB to 2400MB :joy:

but one question, I have a fan with 4 steps(0,25,50,75,100 as it is now), and I would still like to use those new “tile” cards for this,
Is there a way around this, or am I in bad luck?

By the way directories are divided by / not \. Windows alone uses \.

Correct, let’s consider them as typos )
Fixed, thank you!

Same problem here, I tried removing and re-adding the home connect integration and credentials, nothing works, the integration is broken.

did you find a fix for this?

I assume you have seen this, but in case you haven’t Home Connect won't initialise on 2023.4.0, worked on 2023.3.x · Issue #90915 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

I have sympathy for this, but it is a risk one decides to take on through heavy customisation. I try to remain close to the built-in components, but even so I use some custom cards and mods — one of which took me quite a long time to replace since the 2022.12 updates.

So, with that in mind: If one wants extreme customisation, it’s not necessary to use the default HA frontend at all. All the APIs are there to roll your own. There’s a point where customisations become so heavy that it’s probably easier to build your own UI.


Really wish I had read this before restarting. I saw the notice about database updates, so I let it run overnight, but ended up rebooting around 4:30PM today. Since the notifications was no longer there, I assumed that meant it was done and OK to reboot since I noticed some odd data points. Now I believe I’m in a state where data from 8PM yesterday to 4:30PM today is just gone, and I’m having multiple recorder errors in my logs. I opened this issue as I have no idea how to fix this. Any pointers appreciated here.

I have the same issue.

I watched the youtube update video from start to end and was quite excited about the performance prognoses of being faster and having a smaller db. A slight disappointment because my performance didnt change noticeable (can be many things involved because I operate over the cloud) but my database (SQLite, vs 3.38.5) grew from 4.5Gb to 5Gb over night.
I could follow the migration quite well. High level of CPU activity and high temperature of the processor. There was certainly some migration fever there. But unfortunately larger after.

What could be the reasons for that?

grep --include manifest.json -r dns gives me

grep: unrecognized option include

Yes mine has as well. Hopefully there is a fix for it soon.

You need to run a manual repack with the recorder.purge service to reclaim space or wait for the 2nd Sunday of the month for it to happen automatically


That’s what I call great info :smiley::+1:. I didn’t know that! The coming Sunday is the 2nd one of the month so I sit tight and see! Many thanks!