2023.4: Custom template macros, and many more new entity dialogs!

discovering many serious templates in the new Profiler setting, but also set really surprising entries there. What to think of:

2023-04-08 10:54:58.182 CRITICAL (SyncWorker_25) [homeassistant.components.profiler] RenderInfo object in memory: <RenderInfo Template<template=(mdi:label-multiple) renders=2875> all_states=False all_states_lifecycle=False domains=frozenset() domains_lifecycle=frozenset() entities=frozenset() rate_limit=None has_time=False exception=None is_static=True>

the template is so short… I system searched for ‘label-multiple’ and only have that mentioned as a fixed icon on a template sensor… In the core.entity_registry, I can find is as ‘original_icon’, but that’s not a template either

is this a bug in the profiler, or do those icons also count as templates, simply because they are configured in a template sensor?

      - unique_id: switches_total_device_power
        name: Switches total device power
        state: >
        unit_of_measurement: W
        icon: mdi:label-multiple
        device_class: power
        state_class: measurement

I am reading conflicted location of where to create the custom_templates folder.
config\custom_templates or config/custom_components/custom_templates ??


Where are you reading anything else?

These get treated differently and the render path short circuits when is_static=True so they take multiple orders of magnitude less processing time. You can effectively ignore anything with is_static=True for the purposes of trying to optimize for performance.

ha, I have some with False…

some of them are listed several times btw.

2023-04-08 10:54:59.841 CRITICAL (SyncWorker_25) [homeassistant.components.profiler] RenderInfo object in memory: <RenderInfo Template<template=({{states('sensor.calculated_bruto_verbruik')|is_number and
  states('sensor.sensors_huidig_verbruik_summed')|is_number and
  this.state|float(0) < 4000}}) **renders=83510**> all_states=False all_states_lifecycle=False domains=frozenset() domains_lifecycle=frozenset() entities=frozenset({'sensor.calculated_bruto_minus_switches', 'sensor.calculated_bruto_verbruik', 'sensor.sensors_huidig_verbruik_summed'}) rate_limit=None has_time=False exception=None is_static=False>

renders=83510… is that per minute?
all my templates show all_states=False btw, so that’s a good thing?

Have a few TTS automations which are sending the same message (few sentences with some inline jinja code).
Moved the message to a file /config/custom_templates/tts_message_weather_forecast.jinja and
tried to replace the automation message with {% include 'tts_message_weather_forecast.jinja' %} but receiving an error “Template not found”.
Is it possible to use the new templating feature for definition of dynamic strings for messages?

Even if they are the same every one of them will be rendered every time since they don’t know about each other. So if you have 1000 templates doing the exact same thing you still have to pay for 1000 renders whenever something changes in the template.

Thats total renders since startup

Unfortunately you’re being given misinformation, in 99% of cases this is actually false. Even more so with this situation as Home Assistant is Proxying the Polymer calls to give the warning. Considering they’re hooking in Polymer, they can actually get more information on the calling card etc. Why they chose to omit this is at their discretion (granted it is more lines of code and work).

If you want a hint on the culprit card, you can open the dev console in your browser and turn on warning logs. Next you can view the stack trace which will list the calls and files leading to the message. The file should help determine which card or module is still using Polymer.

This could be shown in the Home Assistant logs if they chose to include the stack track in the write_log event but again, that’s up to the Home Assistant dev’s.

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I’m not being given miss information. I’m a developer in my day job. I’m sorry I upset you the other day, that doesn’t mean you need to try to prove me wrong at every post I make. Posting stack traces in the logs would mislead everyone because it’s not an exception. And traversing stack traces to make guesses on what element is loading it would be a massive amount of work that could potentially point to the wrong thing.

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Since the 2023.4 upgrade (and 2023.4.1), the iOS app appears to have lost some functionality and reliability.

First I noticed the missing gesture pulling out the menu on the left, but this was quickly fixed with an iOS app update.

Now it appears I’ve lost the ability to tap on the top of the screen to have it scroll all the way up to the top of the page (general function across iOS that works in all other apps).

And also, I’m now frequently opening the app to find various icons in my main glance cards blank. The data appears to be accurate, but some of the icons are missing. The workaround is I have to pull down so the app refreshes. This happens after I’ve navigated to other apps for a bit and come back to the HA app.

Is anyone else seeing these issues with the iOS app and the latest HA build?

Think you replied to the wrong person?

Yh for some reason when I initially started my reply then went to reply to yours but realised I was still replying to someone else it changed the target :woman_facepalming:

I don’t think I can edit it. Let me see, who was it meant for?


Yeah sorry, I can’t change the reply. You can probably just delete it and copy/paste with the correct reply

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I’ve been using MariaDB without a problem but then was getting the warnings about my MariaDB version from Home Assistant (using Synology)… I then explored other options and decided to give InfluxDB a go, initially I thought it was highly redundant but alas I started to see the benefits.

First benefit is that the DB and entries won’t change, it also doesn’t hold unwanted “junk” like events and so forth which keeps the DB size optimised. You’re also less likely to run the risk of corruption and won’t face issues on migration updates etc.

Secondly, you will have the full history of your sensors and so forth and can manage what to keep and what to remove after a certain period.

From there on, I’ve set MariaDB to purge every 30 days to keep it optimised.

The real issue is that the data isn’t directly accessible from Home Assistant and their cards or history components etc. But I’ve overcome this by using iframes and Grafana.


3 posts were split to a new topic: Moving from Polymer to Lit

I’ve just update to 2023.4.1 and noticed that some of my Grafana charts (fed by influxdb) are missing data. In the logs I find (excerpt)

Logger: homeassistant.components.http.security_filter
Source: components/http/security_filter.py:66
Integration: HTTP (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 06:42:11 (18 occurrences)
Last logged: 06:44:14

Filtered a request with unsafe byte query string: /api/hassio_ingress/hg-sVagLsxo9FvO0f-jNSvkCUnzMDATA-ociaxnOUv8/api/datasources/proxy/uid/RV5IoOZgk/query?db=homeassistant&q=SELECT%20spread(%22value%22)%20FROM%20%22state%22%20WHERE%20(%22entity_id%22%20%3D%20%27boiler_burner_starts%27)%20AND%20time%20%3E%3D%20now()%20-%2010d%20and%20time%20%3C%3D%20now()%20GROUP%20BY%20time(1d)%20fill(none)%0A%0A&epoch=ms

Apparently, not all charts are affected. Anyone any idea? Worked flawlessly in the past.

I can reply to myself here. For some reason or the other, this helped: go to each Grafana chart and for each query turn visual editor mode on, save query. Rinse and repeat.

Pretty painless update for me. Thanks to all custom card developers that have updated their cards. And some help here on the forum to update my SQL sensor.

DB migration took very little time (1.6GB repacked to 1.1GB).

This is new and appears after a start up:

Logger: homeassistant.components.utility_meter.sensor
Source: components/utility_meter/sensor.py:438
Integration: Utility Meter (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 15:06:46 (8 occurrences)
Last logged: 15:06:46

Invalid state (unknown > 5910.58)
Invalid state (unknown > 234.0)
Invalid state (unknown > 64.21)
Invalid state (unknown > 132.73)
Invalid state (unknown > 125.44)

Not sure of the usefulness of logging this. That transition is actually good. The bad transition is from 0 -> some total, that sort of transition causes endless issues for energy dashboard users.

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