2023.5: Let's talk!

Maybe it’s better to create those “routines” in HA, and then just expose that scene/script or whatever you want, then you will never loose it again…


I knew someone would come along and try to justify this by blaming me for using routines… Didn’t take long. The reason is because I have a number of devices that aren’t supported by HA and therefore I use Google to handle everything instead of breaking it into different locations. For example HA doesn’t support HomeDepot smart devices (my landscape lighting) nor does it support Kwikset (my locks), but Google does.

Leaving out the routines all together, when you use Google hubs for voice it’s based on the location of the hub and what room the devices are assigned to which is done manually. When you remove the devices and re-add them they are no longer assigned to rooms and therefore none of the hubs throughout the house know where anything is located. Everything has to be manually re-assigned and I have over 100 entities exposed to Google.


The REST API broke in 2023.5. The endpoint /api/history/period/[timestamp] always returns:

{"message":"filter_entity_id is missing"}

It worked before the upgrade and has worked for years.
According to the docs, filter_entity_id is optional.
If I add a filter_entity_id=some.sensor parameter, I still get the same error message.

I use this API for most things I do in HA, so my entire system is pretty much broken right now.
Unfortunately I don’t have a backup from before the upgrade because I got “Unknown error, see the supervisor logs” and thought I’d go ahead anyway and look at that error some time later.


Has this been solved with the latest version 2023.5.1?

For me 2023.5 is unusable due to lot of errors of these type

Had to roll back. Unfortunately, the deprecation of polymer, causing my alarm to stop functioning, overshadows this release. Yes, I know, contact the developer to update blah blah blah…

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I wholeheartedly agree - as an API developer myself, and as a developer that integrates with many APIs, I cannot in good conscience remove API endpoints with such short notice.

I generally issue a deprecation warning in any response payload from any endpoint that has been refactored or is scheduled for removal. I leave things this way for 3 to 6 months until the code is finally removed. It is of course up to the end user to respond to the deprecation warnings and to update their own code, but I am giving them a reasonable timeframe in which to respond.

In most cases, calls to legacy endpoints drop to 50% in the first few weeks and diminish with a 2-3 week half life.

This kind of policy works for restructuring and renaming functions, methods and endpoints of interfaces. In these cases and some others I can safely route requests to their new home. This is not always possible when, for instance, implementing a paradigm shift in workflow :frowning:


If support for overriding deprecated methods on an instance of NumberEntity ceased to be supported last October, I would imagine that this has been getting logged in HA for a considerable time now.

Trying the local voice assist with piper and whisper. Both are configured for Dutch. But on the voice assistant I cannot select whisper-faster and piper when the language is Dutch. Only when it’s English. Anyone else experiencing this?

Have you selected the language in the add on settings too?

Yes, I have the same issue with German. Add-ons are configured for “de” and a German voice, but still the dialog does not let me select piper and whisper.

You still have to re-add the scripts to the routines as the action/scene to activate and you also need to go and add any exposed devices back into rooms. If you have a lot of these, it can take hours.

thats why i prefer yaml :slight_smile:


same, ecowitt integration broken for me after update too

Oh man, workday deprecating yaml sucks. I had multiple workday entities (for today, tomorrow, etc.) sharing the same holidays (days where my kid’s daycare is closed) via yaml include. Now I have to maintain them manually :frowning:


You might give GitHub - alexarch21/history-explorer-card: A card for Home Assistant Lovelace for exploring the history of your entities interactively and in real time. a try as a workaround, at least it’s possible to add entities on-the-fly.

Surely there could be workaround by using custom cards. The question became traditional - what a reason of removing working, documented and used-by-many-users functionality?


It does backup the database unless you use an external service to host the database.

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Same for me. After update Wiz lights integration has stopped working.
Did you make any progress on this? Get them working again?

Does the mariadb addon count as an external service?

Yes, as that’s a separate service. PhpMyAdmin allows you to create backups of your database.

If you just lost your database, you should switch back to the built in database. The past ~5 major versions of HA have essentially removed the gap between MariaDB and the built-in database. The built in database should perform the same, if not better, than MariaDB. That will also get your database into the backups.

If I were in your shoes, I’d remove MariaDB and start over with the built in database.

I’m still using MariaDB, I’m planning to migrate at some point.