2023.8: Translated services, events, and wildcards!

I have mqtt warnings with espresense latest stable version v3.2.4: Hello, To avoid a duplicate name the device name prefix is stripped of the entity name as a work-a-round. Please inform the maintainer of the software application that supplies the affected entities to fix this issue.

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Please read the second post.


This IS optional, and has been since the new voice assistant features were introduced. The button to turn it off is in Settings > Voice assistants > uncheck “Expose new entities”.


Upgraded from 2023.7.3 and got an error on the discovery component. Commented it out and then supervisor flaked out. Got this error

Error setting up entry Supervisor for hassio

add ons loaded but supervisor was still errored out. Just restored to 7.3. Any ideas?

Thank you brother. I thought i had to change all names of my entities.

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Should have mentioned earlier!
Wanted to restore backup failed
Reinstalling from scratch, now trying to restore backup.
Doesn’t work. after selecting file to restore full backup) and then clicking restore… It keeps turning around. Doesn’t end. Tried with multiple backups. The restore just doesn’t work.
Going to sleep now. Start all over again tomorrow
Hassos installation.

I created the post yesterday and it was at the top of the configuration category for the majority of the day.

Is this only if you have Home Assistant Cloud? I don’t see this setting.

I don’t know why this is a problem. More importantly, changing this doesn’t fix it

Please take a moment to read the link in the second post.

how long did you wait and how big is the backup? My last restore was a 2gb backup and it took several hours (I believe around 6h) to restore.

I see no changes or fixes to Life360

This was the only issue that the bump to 6.0.0 described as fixing in the PR notes: Life 360 Integration - Invalid Authentication with correct details ¡ Issue #97470 ¡ home-assistant/core ¡ GitHub

So unless you were also affected by that bug you would not see any changes.

If you ARE affected by that specific bug and it was not resolved, I would comment in the pull request thread with relevant details to your setup to help them determine what the issue might be with the bugfix.

That can be done here: Bump life360 package to 6.0.0 by pnbruckner ¡ Pull Request #97549 ¡ home-assistant/core ¡ GitHub

had to remove life360 then re-add to fix after updating to 2023.8.0 and it seems to be working now

Ah, good deal :slightly_smiling_face:

Lots of work ahead, changing all my mqtt discovery scripts. At least I will know what do do this week-end :slight_smile:

Can’t get Opower to authenticate with Comed since I have 2FA turned on. Any way to deal with this?

Where do we find the Condition Blueprint shown in the picture? The hyperlink doesnt offer to import Condition blueprint.

After update I get error “discovery - integration ‘discovery’ not found.”

Second item under Breaking Changes in the release notes.

Essentially this is an outdated integration which is probably still residing in your configuration.yaml and can now be removed from there.