2023.8: Translated services, events, and wildcards!

That is in the release announcement. Read it.


Maybe add this information to the dev website that the dialogue links to?

HA keeps telling me thereā€™s an obsolete mjpeg integration in my configuration.yaml. Thereā€™s no string like that in this or any other of my yamls.

I am getting error after the update 2023.8.0 ā€œIntegration ā€˜discoveryā€™ not found.ā€ Restore the backup to test again and it worked. Why this error after this release? Any solution ?

Have you read the release notes? I recommend to look at the second point under Breaking changes.

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I have this only for Alexa, but not for HA Assist. Can you share a screenshot where you have it for HA Assist?

Does anyone else have problems with Frontier Silicon integration? (renamed all entitiesā€¦)

actually, we donā€™t need to worry about the warning messages. That should be in the breaking changes.
Also, strange timing. This month making a changes that generates all those messages and creates confusion for the users, and already knowing now, that the seconds part of the change will be released in septemberā€¦ In my view, it would have been better if all that was released in one goā€¦
But, ok, now my ha in up and running again. Backup restore doesnā€™t work. I finally used the cli methodn and at some moment, ha started? (in the past, a did restores without problems). Multiple addons, integration were not restored (full backup). Needed to reconfigure MQTT, reinstall mqtt broker, and a few other add-on.
When I have more time, Iā€™m going to look for a tool that makes an image of my ssdā€¦
Anyway, I see here you have a lot of explaining to do to other users too.
Thanks for your time!

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Go for proxmox.

Yeah, crossed my mind. But using a P4 8gig. Donā€™t know if thatā€™s powerfull enough.
Will probably have to buy some kind of Nuc ā€¦

Havenā€™t tried a pi4. But it would do it IMHO.

Ok Iā€™ll try that for testing proxmox and ha on a spare pi4. So I can learn more of proxmox.
After that, I can use that experience to set up proxmox on a more powerfull device.

I would love to start using the voice control to control my shopping lists. Unfortunately I use different stores for different products and HA only allows for one list. Does anyone know if there is a way to use multiple shopping lists? For example, installing multiple instances of the shopping list integration with different names? I tried a few months ago but couldnā€™t find a way to have more than one list so I went back to using IOS reminders. Hopefully with the attention to the shopping list integration this month someone can look into this.


There is not. Vote here if you would like to see it added: Shopping List: multiple shopping lists


I guess it depends on whether your credentials are used again when it is time to renew the logon token, or whether a reauthentication token is used at that time. If your credentials are only used once, then it would theoretically be possible to have the configuration flow handle 2FA if all the tokens donā€™t expire prior to the next data collection. I donā€™t know if that is something @tronikos had considered or just not possible with current tooling.

EDIT: There is a discussion on 2FA here, Add implementation for conEdison by Sebmaster Ā· Pull Request #13 Ā· tronikos/opower Ā· GitHub.

Must admit I am a bit perplexed why works with nest was removed a month before it finally dies and before the month that the warning inside of home assistant says.

Obviously my problem to fix it and migrate, but I still find it a bit annoying to have to deal with it earlier than I expected to - feels like someone jumped the gun a little bitā€¦ I know I should have done it ages ago - but this till took me off guard.

Am going to try to roll back to 2023.07 till I have the time to deal with setting up the new integration.

Update: Roll back to 2023.7.3 docker container restores the connection to works with Nest. Iā€™ll work on migrating to the new nest setup before I move to 2023.8 sometime later this month.

With the new MQTT rules I got warning for 232 devices. How can I fix this automatically?

I run everything on a rpi4 8gb without any issues.

Yes, canā€™t seems to toggle anything correctlyā€¦ Glad itā€™s not just me

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