2023.9 Airthings "Unavailable" double entities Bluetooth

The latest release seems to have caused a bug where a second entity was created for all my Airthings Bluetooth devices. This broke some things because now only the new entities are valid.



Hopefully this helps other if they have this issue.

I can confirm that this occurs on my Airthings air quality monitors as well. Quite literally EVERY sensor for the device has been duplicated. I assume this has to do with the Bluetooth speed improvements somehow.

It’s gotten to the point that every 2023.x.0 release requires a LOT of time reconfiguring. This is the third time I have had to totally redo the Airthings entities in the past 6 months.

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I created an issue for this: Airthings_BLE entities duplicated as of 2023.9 · Issue #99934 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

Oops, i created a dupe - existing issue tracking this is here: Airthings BLE does not meet unique id requirements; All entities recreated in 2023.9.x+ · Issue #99786 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

Another aspect of this is that historical data is now associated with the old, inactive entities.

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the 9.1 release made things worse but opening a ticket all but resolves this thread aside from the waiting. Hopefully they will get it fixed soon.

Update in case anyone is interested. I was able to upgrade to 2023.9.2 and the old sensors without the _2 worked again.

So… The problem did arise with 2023.9.1, but it’s unrelated to Airthings_BLE. Apparently a bug crept into the Bluetooth integration: Home Assistant 2023.9.1 bluetooth dongle failed to set up after upgrade. Even though the title refers to a dongle, I’m experiencing the same behavior with the RasPi4 on-board Bluetooth.