2024.1: Happy automating!

Just notice that this also stop reporting energy usage from my Shelly EM2 that monitor whole house current usage. Looking like major breakage to any part of the energy related parts of HA.

In the new Holiday integration, some countries are missing! I noticed Jordan is not included! Anyway to add the a country and its holidays manually?

Useful source for Jordan Holidays. It has all the world countries too.

Suggestion: Instead of Holidays, why not make it Country Days as for each country there are certain dates where they have significant remembrances and events without being a holiday, those could have a check box to indicate they are a holiday or not.
An extra feature would be the ability to import a list of dates :wink:

In regards to the new Valve entity, after saying thanks for this useful addition, I would to suggest some additions to the already existing devices classes: None, water, gas, + Fuel (for diesel, kerosene, etc

Home this makes sense

Homematic IP integration does not work anymore with 2024.1.0

Agree - I also use entity ids on purpose in many automations for exactly this reason.

Automation editor help text is nice, however only required at the very beginning. Personally I have a lot of automations without AND IF which leads to having always this big text displayed in the middle on my mobile phone. Overview is restricted. My recommendation would be to display the help text only when creating a new automation and moving the text to the question mark once saved.


Really frustrating! I have multiple climate groups and now that they are gone, my dashboard doesn’t make sense.

It depends on settings in zigbee2mqtt. For example I have loglevel to the default info and then it includes pages of attributes incl the entire config yaml. A bit silly of zigbee2mqtt IMHO. Turning off legacy availability flag makes the 3 other selects go away.

EDIT eh, not really, they just came back. It is really mad how much text is in these selects. Clearly a zigbee2mqtt problem. At least my little work around makes HA happy

what should they fix?
Probably the UID of the device / entity has changed.
That can’t be fixed automatically
 but that should be a thing of two minutes to change the entities in the affected automation

I don’t really understand this

I’ve provided MANY pr’s within the last week fixing the deprication warnings for custom components.

That’s something, which can be fixed in minutes - but still, there are integration authors that do not check their integration 

As an Author, I would a) use my system for tests, or b) have a dedicated test setup, running the latest version (probably with beta releases enabled) to see, if my integration might break with an upcomming release.

This is clearly nothing to blame the core team - this is the responsibility of EACH author of a custom integration

what’s wrong?
Do you have any Log information?

Is it the Core HMIP integration, or a custom one?
I am using a custom one and do not have any issues - and a friend of mine is using the core integration and I haven’t heard of any issues from him so far.


All my phone notification are down. It can talk with my phone :

Logger: homeassistant.core
Source: core.py:2189
First occurred: 07:08:54 (6 occurrences)
Last logged: 08:21:05

Error executing service: <ServiceCall notify.mobile_app_pixel_7 (c:01HK9HDHKS5KCCWYQXZSWRCDP9): message=Template<template=(L’alarme ActivĂ©e (nuit) est dĂ©clenchĂ©e! En cause: Aeotec presence cb Motion detection dĂ©tecte du mouvement.) renders=1>, title=Template<template=(Alarme) renders=1>>
Error executing service: <ServiceCall notify.mobile_app_pixel_7 (c:01HK9HZVHQG6WEXBH901F7VBXM): message=Template<template=(L’alarme est rĂ©glĂ©e sur ActivĂ©e (nuit)) renders=1>, title=Template<template=(Alarme) renders=1>>
Error executing service: <ServiceCall notify.mobile_app_pixel_7 (c:01HK9NF91T5EV3QK7XNX32M7F2): message=Template<template=(L’alarme ActivĂ©e (nuit) est dĂ©clenchĂ©e! En cause: Aeotec presence cb Motion detection is detecting motion) renders=1>, title=Template<template=(Alarme) renders=1>>
Error executing service: <ServiceCall notify.mobile_app_pixel_7 (c:01HK9NF91VYXWP6YG5P2JX1MTM): message=Template<template=(L’alarme ActivĂ©e (nuit) est dĂ©clenchĂ©e! En cause: Aeotec presence cb Motion detection dĂ©tecte du mouvement.) renders=1>, title=Template<template=(Alarme) renders=1>>
Error executing service: <ServiceCall notify.mobile_app_pixel_7 (c:01HK9NHQ0XQVPF1W8DHXG0QP3N): message=Template<template=(L’alarme est rĂ©glĂ©e sur ActivĂ©e (prĂ©sence)) renders=1>, title=Template<template=(Alarme) renders=1>>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File « /usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/core.py », line 2189, in _run_service_call_catch_exceptions
await coro_or_task
File « /usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/core.py », line 2210, in _execute_service
return await target(service_call)
File « /usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/notify/legacy.py », line 265, in _async_notify_message_service
await self.async_send_message(**kwargs)
File « /usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/mobile_app/notify.py », line 141, in async_send_message
raise HomeAssistantError(
homeassistant.exceptions.HomeAssistantError: Device not connected to local push notifications

It’s KO only when I am on wifi. In 4g it’s OK.

After update, style stop working for many custom cards!

I receive this one:

Configuring System Monitor using YAML is being removed.

Your existing YAML configuration has been imported into the UI automatically.

Remove the `systemmonitor` configuration from your configuration.yaml file and restart Home Assistant to fix this issue.

But i dont have systemmonitor in my config.yaml at all
Are they referring to this one?


edit: seems its a sensor config , its ok now :slight_smile:

1 Like

Have you updated card_mod to 3.4.x ? Maybe this ?

SOLVED: I have a problem with ‘Homematic IP’ (‘custom_homematic’ from danielpierna84) not working any more.
Logs are lost after restoring last backup of 2023.

PS: After installing HA 2024.1.0 again, I found that there was an update of ‘Homematic IP local’ pending (from 1.5.0 to 1.5.2 !?!). That solved it for me!
Sorry for that ‘noise’ 

1 Like

 that does help much without logs

I am pretty sure, that it isn’t a general issue with the integration, because mine is working flawlessly 

check your file system directly, there should (hopefully) be a copy of the previous log (homeassistant.log.1) or something like this

1 Like

Since the update to 2024.1 the websocket communication to my Shelly H&T devices aren’t working anymore. I get this in the log:

Logger: homeassistant.config_entries
Source: config_entries.py:406
First occurred: 09:42:34 (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 09:42:34

Error setting up entry Kamer Shelly HT for shelly
Error setting up entry Buiten Shelly HT for shelly
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/config_entries.py", line 406, in async_setup
    result = await component.async_setup_entry(hass, self)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/shelly/__init__.py", line 129, in async_setup_entry
    return await _async_setup_rpc_entry(hass, entry)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/shelly/__init__.py", line 296, in _async_setup_rpc_entry
    await _async_rpc_device_setup()
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/shelly/__init__.py", line 251, in _async_rpc_device_setup
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/shelly/coordinator.py", line 615, in async_setup
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/shelly/coordinator.py", line 138, in async_setup
    hw_version=f"gen{self.device.gen} ({self.model})",
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aioshelly/rpc_device/device.py", line 378, in gen
    raise NotInitialized

See the Shelly version, there is a breaking topic regarding it

Do you have your shellys updated wwith the last version?

What did you change?