2024.10: Heading in the right direction

thanks the new version of Alexa Media Player


Entity card’s history graph color has changed, it’s now tinted to purple from previous blue. :frowning:
Is there a setting for it or is this coming from theme? Any ideas how to revert it?

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Anyone else found the casting is broken again in this release?

I get the error Chromecast is connecting…

Switching back to the previous release it works fine

I noticed this this morning. It was hanging on the “Connected” or “Not Connected” screen. I restarted HA Core and the device I was trying to cast to and it worked again.

Looks like it’s not those integrations, but the venv setup. I’ll report the issue there.

truly love the new type: heading with its initial offerings. Didn’t get around it during beta, but now that I replaced many of my custom:button-card headers (because of their styling options) with the new type:heading cards, I am really noticing how natural they feel in the yaml configs and Dashboard results.

thank you for introducing those!
I already expressed my hope for a background theme variable to be added to the styling of the type: heading, but even so, we’ve already been able to card_mod those (thanks @iamjosh ) both in direct mod, or with card-mod themes, awaiting that.

Now please add a hold_action to the heading.

In my config, I use ‘hold’ for navigating away, simply to prevent accidental clicks. It has become so natural to do that everywhere, replacing that with the only available tap-action would be a bit of a step back

Hope that isn’t a too exotic request, and the team will consider adding it.

given the Plural here (InteractieS)

I suppose the team already anticipated that…


Tried restarting a number of times, it will not cast from an automation anymore :frowning:

Would be great when the Titel States would be interactive

we discussed that during Beta last week, and the initial documentation was adjusted accordingly to reflect the trigger template is Not Yet migrated

Note the Not Yet…
you really should join beta with your keen eye and extensive config

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EDIT: A other post it could be related to Alexa Media Player update. Someone have a reboot loop. Disabled the integration and it was solved.

Here my HAOS is restarting every time.

now, 14min ago, 25min ago, 37 min ago, 48 min ago
So almost every 10min in between.

Love the new heading/subtitle cards!
This finally lets me create a table-like overview card of (in my case, input_number) entities and their values without having to put actual entity cards (those input_numbers are only modified by automations).
I used a Markdown card before, but it lacked the right-alignment for the values.

Using subheading-cards works perfectly!

You don’t need ha core running to see the logs

Follow the issue that has been opened on GitHub.

After adding /srv/homeassistant/bin to path in the SystemD service file HA core 2024.10 runs as expected and I had no timeout to install dependencies. Nice!
Unfortunately I cannot use the |assist_satellite.announce` action with my M5-stack-atom but I might have miss-understood something.
In the developer tools when I click to select an entity I read no match found.
Maybe it is because it uses a speaker instead of a media player, anyway nice update!

TelldusLive (local) works on 2024.10.1.

The automatic repairs worked beautifully, but had to revert to 2024.9.3 from backup as TelldusLive (local) stopped working.

2024-10-03 09:51:42.583 WARNING (SyncWorker_36) [tellduslive] Failed request: HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/sensors/list?includeValues=1&includeScale=1&includeIgnored=0 (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f4d2ad42300>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 113] Host is unreachable'))

Couldn’t find in the changelog what would have made TelldusLive not work after upgrade. After restoring, all was working again.

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Entity card’s history graph color has changed to purple. The new color does not looking good, imho total ugly :frowning:

my approach to display entities in a tabular way using multiple-entity-row:

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With subtitle cards, I have it now looking like this:

I’ve had the same issue, on the console something (I can’t remember what) was running out of memory. I have restored from a VM backup to 2024.9.3 and everything is back to normal.

Service/Action tts.google_cloud_say stopped working completely. It seems to be a side-effect of the enhnacement to setup Google Cloud integration with GUI.

Commenting out configuration.yaml configuration and setting up Google Cloud integration from scratch in GUI does not work neither.

I am getting following errors in logs:

CastMediaPlayerEntity._quick_play Failed: Failed to execute quick play https://…mp3. (home_assistant_error)

[NR] CastMediaPlayerEntity._start_app Failed: Failed to execute start app CC1AD845.