2024.10: Heading in the right direction

Hello All! Quick question. I know the “Sections” view is still experimental. May I ask why this was not just integrated as an actual dashboard? Why have a dashboard, and then a view, which essentially is a dashboard? Also, I could be missing it, but you cannot pin a section view to the side bar like a dashboard?

You can have more than 1 view for a dashboard and they show up as tabs on the top of the page.


Yes I see you can have more then one view. But the view cannot be pinned to the left sidebar like a dashboard can. Id rather jump right to the “view” then click a dashboard, that I have blank to click a view. Id rather try to use the sections, but cannot unless it is under a view. If im asking/explaining that correctly

I’m not really understanding you. If you want a single view on the sidebar, just make a dashboard with a single view and add it to your sidebar. The sidebar only has dashboards. This is how dashboards and views have always worked, and sections view is no different.

Ahhh ok I’m following, sorry. new to HA. So a dash cannot be made in sections on its own. I created a dashboard, added a view, then deleted the “default” original view and kept the sectional view. Thanks!

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Well if you just create a “new dashboard from scratch” it should be empty. You can keep the auto generated one and make a new sections one.


Just started seeing alot of messages like this for my integration:

WARNING (ImportExecutor_0) [py.warnings] /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ ... XXX.py:218: SyntaxWarning: "is not" with 'str' literal. Did you mean "!="?

I did not see anything in the change log about changing ImportExecutor settings. Technically, the following lines of code do the same thing, AND compile just fine:

        if self._RepeatState is not 'off': 
            return True
        if self._RepeatState != 'off': 
            return True

it also generates warnings for code COMMENTS now:

        Saves a token to the token storage file (e.g. disk) for the ProviderId \ ClientId key.
WARNING (ImportExecutor_0) [py.warnings] /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/spotifywebapipython/oauthcli/authclient.py:485: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\ '

Why the warnings? Did someone forget to disable a code test setting maybe?

Kind of odd, so I opened issue 127607 with HA Repository to see if someone left a test settings active for the PROD release.

@joostlek - you just closed my issue regarding python warnings …

HA is now generating system log warnings for COMMENTS.
What changed in the 2024.10 release to cause these warnings to start appearing?!
Just trying to understand what changed.

UPDATE - never mind. It appears something changed with Python 3.12.x recently that turned these “used to be ignored” warnings into actual warnings that wind up in the HA System Log! This is due to invalid escaped characters in various string comments that are used for documentation purposes (e.g. “”" this is a code comment “”"). Completely my issue, HA is not at fault. Apologies for the bother.

Thank you… and yes, I just posted it

Getting creative with Lovelace heading cards

Is anyone else not seeing the option to add a heading card after updating to 2024.10? I tried adding a manual card with type: “heading” but it didn’t recognise it.

After installing 2024.10.1 all custom cards disappeared.:

@Amardeep , @tomik67 - I’m hoping it’s just your caches, but I’m gonna backup before updating :astonished:

Not lost any here

Cannot get rid of “fixed statistics issues” which are displayed in Repairs since 2024.10:
Funny fact that these “statistics issues” are NOT displayed in “Dev tools → Statistics”.

Issue on github

Well the option has shown up… Perhaps it was my cache!

It came up in beta too (from me) and at the release party

Can you still see them in developer tools? (edit - I see that they have vanished from dev-tools)

I suspect that the repair does not clear until the next statistics run :slight_smile:

…which is every 5 minutes, and still I have these hanging repairs)))

In my case these “statistics issues” were fixed in Dev tools a MONTH AGO and were not present in Dev tools.
And since updating to 2024.10 these ghosts came up in Repairs)))).

Just rebooted HA - and these repairs gone. Came from nowhere & gone to nowhere.
BTW, today HA rebooted ~5 times. Ghosts.

I know… the garbage collection in .storage/repairs.issue_registry is not great.

I have repairs sitting in there from 2022-10-06, I think that file is where the ghosts live :slight_smile: :ghost:



I have to say though – massive props to the team for adding the data-table layout to the dev-tools stats - I just deleted 45 in one fell swoop :slight_smile:

But I do think it’s a bit harsh that me sitting still for 5 minutes (below) is considered as an outlier for my daily steps :slight_smile: :running_man:

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Thanks for this! I have a whole bunch of mini-graph-cards that match the old colour, so instead of changing all of them, just a few lines of YAML gets my dashboard looking coherent again!

#44739e was the value before the recent change according to: Improve the accessibility of the default colors used for graphs by bmesuere · Pull Request #21839 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub but I’m using a different HA blue instead;

Current 2024.10 theme:

My custom theme:

      graph-color-1: "#039be5"
      graph-color-2: "#ffa600"
      state-climate-heat-color: "#d62727"

It works now in 2024.10.1. Have no clue why. But sure want access to my plethora of temperature gauges and my local, rather than cloud based Telldus installation :wink:

It looks like working for me again using Google nest and Google home after update 2024.10.1. Unifi camera speakers still not possible to use with TTS I tried every option, no result at all.
There are no error codes. The flow looks like running normal, but without speaking

(I do use NodeRed to use TTS)