2024.4: Organize all the things!

sorry, I didnt realize that.

Ive opened a FR for it in Backend also.
hope it can be done

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ha yes, I relate to that …

tbh, I was surprised it still is an option but after some serious searching (it isnt written in the docs of the automation integration, or clicking through to go to Basics) I found it here Automation YAML - Home Assistant

disabling an automation ‘should be done’ by toggling a conditional (boolean), so we are told, so that might be an idea to get those old habits out of the way :wink:

tbh, I wished we would finally get the initial on those booleans in the UI, as that would really be helpful, and there is a long standing FR for it…

For me it fixed itself after there was a message in HA for loading a new frontend.

This release causes me a ton of CPU issues using native automations and integrations.

It locks up after a few hours. Reverting back to 2024.3.3 until this is fixed. They did something to the event bus that broke automations that have worked flawlessly for years here.

This happens to me as well. It’s due, at least on my end, to HA pegging the CPU at 100% and locking up. Reverting back to 2024.3.3 fixes it. Check your CPU usage.

Thanks to all who chimed in on this to help. Taras, you can ignore my problem with your link because I was putting sensors/weather entities in the automation (my misunderstanding based on the presence of triggers and actions).

I did get the new forecast to work and can now proceed to get all my weather-related sensors updated based on this. For the record, I have a package “climate.yaml” included from configuration.yaml, and this is the sensor:

  - trigger:
      - platform: time_pattern
        minutes: /30
      - platform: homeassistant
        event: start
      - service: weather.get_forecasts
          type: hourly
          entity_id: weather.nws_weather
        response_variable: hourly
      - name: "NWS Forecast Now Trigger"
        state: "{{ hourly['weather.nws_weather'].forecast[0].condition }}"
          forecast: "{{ hourly['weather.nws_weather'].forecast }}"

Ref: Forecast Depreciation - #2 by 123

From day one, the logic behind HA configuration is not intuitive for me (not saying it’s wrong, it just doesn’t work the way I think). Pair that with yaml syntax and I loathe making changes. I appreciate the patience with what in hindsight are silly errors.

simply waiting here without reporting in the core repo wont solve anything for you. please check the open issues, and if required, add one with your specifics so the dev team can at least be notified.


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It’s great to see the integration startup times, but it’s frustrating to see how slow homekit_controller startup time is. 25 seconds on a Raspi 4, managing 25 devices. Do others experience a similar issue? Is there any way to improve its startup speed?

but the basic ability is already there, no reason they couldn’t do it.

I found a missing change in the release notes about the Entity filter card. Now it supports the conditions variable (see `conditional` & `entity-filter`: add ability to filter through `entit… · home-assistant/home-assistant.io@87311ae · GitHub). This new configuration variable doesn’t support attributes yet.

I noticed this change because the legacy state_filter stopped working after the update (I’m on 2024.4.2). I will open a bug later today.

I had the same issue, and found the documentation that says that zones can be added and managed through the user interface at Settings → Areas & Zones

Yesterday, I spent an afternoon enjoying this new update.
Today, I woke up to an unresponsive UI.

Web client doesn’t do anything but show the HA logo, Nabu Casa says my instance is disconnected and I dont have any means to access the system.

All automations seem to work, though, so I doubt it is a hardware issue.

Odroid N1 running HAOS.
Any pointers are welcome.

How to help us help you - or How to ask a good question.
Start reading, from point 9 (above direct link)

Check your logfiles ( No Samba or SSH Access ?, then your left with HA-Console, get familiar with it by typing -help )

I Assume you are familiar with basic troubleshooting procedures, quite similar as with PC/Phones ( I.E Restart/Reboot )

Not here.

Do you have cameras in that list and are you splitting it out to individual controllers as recommended in the docs?

My 25 homekit devices are mostly from Eve (the TRVs, the wall plugs, the motion sensors), plus a few Nanoleaf lights. I’m not sure if I could/should split these somehow, I just have a single thread network and one homekit_controller instance.

Feedback after one week of organising :heart_hands:

  • Categories: most helpful functionality. I have started to move all my node red automations back to home assistant, this was the main blocker up to now. Making the categories collapsible would be a last nice feature. :heart:
  • Floors: in general nice, I have assigned them, but I’m still not yet convinced (as stated in the architect discussion). I would still prefer nested areas or another name for floor, e.g. area group. So I think it will remain nice to have for me personally , not really of benefit.
  • Labels with regard to location: core team mentioned you can also make fully flexible area grouping with labels (not being possible with floors) . In theory yes, but in the end it is not the same, it would be a work around, labels are not inherited from devices to entities (for example). Furthermore having floor area assignments and label area assignments in parallel is confusing for me personally.
  • Labels with regard to functionality: not yet used, but very likely that I will use that one day. For the time being I still have groups for this (e.g. covers in the south)

Summerized a big step into the right direction, thank you :+1: , but still room ( or should I say area :slight_smile: ) for improvement


Sounds fine. No need to split that up. You must have another issue then. Maybe restart your home hub.

Given that adaptive lighting is a third-party component, I would’ve been checking with them on this particular issue. Don’t fault the core for third-party components.

Using it, I’m currently able to pull that attribute even when lights are off, but that switch for adaptive lighting is on. When I turn that Adaptive Lighting switch off, the values are nulled out, so if you were attemping this while the Adaptive Lighting switch you’re polling for that attribute was off, that’d explain the issue.

I’m constantly seeing a startup time of 20-30 sec for the homekit_controller integration. I currently assume that as my HA installation also runs the Open Thread Border Router addon, first this has to launch and then all the devices need to join the established thread network (and the devices further away need to wait until the wall plugs acting as thread routers are up).

But on the other hand I would assume that the integration startup times do not include the time until all devices are online, but only the time the integration itself needs?

By the way, I just rebooted HA, 32.5 sec startup time for homekit controller. And the following error in the logs when searching for homekit_controller:

Logger: aiohomekit.controller.coap.pdu
Source: components/homekit_controller/connection.py:293
First occurred: 22:55:55 (33 occurrences)
Last logged: 22:57:55

Transaction 0 failed with error 6 (Invalid request

How can I now edit configuration of the Downloader?