2024.4: Organize all the things!

Being ever greedy, can I have two more grouping functionalities:
Group by label - multiple labels on a single item gets its own group, just like it would work in sql
Multiple groupings - first group by device, then by label

Um, I may be in a small minority here, but I think there was an issue in the 32 bit image: I get into a boot loop with:

     from cryptography.hazmat.bindings._rust import (
 ImportError: Error loading shared library /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/bindings/_rust.abi3.so: Exec format error

So I suspect the 32 bit version of this library is b0rkenā€¦ :frowning:

Regarding the new Map and Webpage dashboards, how are you supposed to add them? I do not have them as an option in the Add Dashboard menu.

I didnā€™t come up with it, came from balloob himself in beta channel a few days ago.

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Going into my automations gives me this:


So my existing automations are not showing even though if I open VSCodium they are still there.
Refreshing my browser doesnā€™t change itā€¦

refresh your page. But you just click ā€œadd dashboardā€ then select those dashboards, then configure.

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look for errors in your logs, did you alter configuration.yaml recently?

Possibly someone having a variation of this problem fairly recently:

After I went to my profile it prompted for a frontend reload. Refresh did not seem to help before but now itā€™s ok, thank you!

Also, I noticed in the livestream that the profile picture should appear in the bottom corner. I just have my initials there, even though I have a picture assigned to my profile. Does this only work for Home Assistant Cloud accounts?

No, that works for any account thatā€™s attached to a person.

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Hi Petro, I made some changes days ago in the configuration.yaml regarding the recorder.
There are warnings and some errors but they seem not to be related to this.

Donā€™t know if this is normal: upgraded from 2024.3.3 ā†’ 2024.4.0 and it took quite a long time (never had that before like this) to load everything

Thanks for this awesome release. Iā€™m organising my house since b0 and still find ways to optimise :slight_smile:

One question: I love the new lock feature, but is there a card so I can place it on my dashboard?
Or even put it on my home screen on my android phone with this double-check for opening?

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if you have an issue with configuration.yaml it may not load everything. Post the errors youā€™re seeing.

I really like the idea of labels, but just wondering how flexible you can be with them.

Iā€™d rather not have too many labels so would prefer to use combinations. For example, I could label all lighting devices, heating devices, security devices, etc. I could also add labels for, say, people, events, etc.

What Iā€™d really like to do is to be able to use multiple labels as selectors when running actions in automations - e.g. turn on devices with labels of Lights and Christmas - rather than have lots of labels such as Christmas Lights, BBQ Lights, ā€¦

I can see that I can select using a label, but not using a combination - e.g. Lights AND Christmas or Lights, but NOT Christmas.

Probably not that easy - is there some way of maybe using a template to select based on combinations of labels?


the only way to do not with labels in the target selector is with templates.

As you probably have more pressing issues to handle, Iā€™ve backed down to the 2024.3 docker image for now and as expected it runs fine. Let me know if you want me to file a proper bug report for this.

Hiya, Feedback to the team.

Thanks for the hard work - good work Bram.

Enjoying the updates, need to seriously look at my ā€˜wantā€™ list as you seem to be crossing them all of lately.


Hi there.

Anyone knows if labels can be assigned in YAML, or is it UI-only?

Thanks a lot.


UI only, just like areas and floors. If your yaml entity has a unique_id, you can add it to the yaml entity via the UI.

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being able to do this:

and not having to go to the dev tools states (horrid response) to add a filter ā€˜statusā€™ is very nice indeed, and allows me to do away with some auto-entities cards that were doing heavy lifting.

o, and finally being able to do away with Maps in the menu and still use default_config (though I am not sure that isnt browser dependentā€¦)

made me discover this page is very much out of date and doesnt list a lot of integrations thats are included Default Config - Home Assistant

needs some editing

ofc it could also be that after Move core fundamental components into bootstrap by frenck Ā· Pull Request #105560 Ā· home-assistant/core Ā· GitHub the documentation on those moved integrations (to bootstrap) has not been updated, as they still mention them being part of default_integrationā€¦