2024.4: Organize all the things!

Click filters, then categories and the list of categories is shown, click on the 3 dots to edit / delete whichever you want

I have not yet updated, but perhaps someone can already answer it: Is there now a mass-edit for areas, floors, labels, etc. or is it still as before, where you have to assign areas always manual one device/entity by one?

Nice release, been using the beta (as usual) and loving it.

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You can multiselect first then bulk assign.


Great. Didn’t see that in the release notes. There was only multi-switch-on-off listed.

This update broke the vantage lighting integration, so I rolled back. Vantage was greyed out; so I couldn’t try to reload. I tried restarting first but that didn’t fix it. Rolling back restored vantage. None of my other integrations were broken.

And your logs? What do they say?

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Automation Triggers based on labels pleaaaase!

If you have 10 sensors you need in the same automation right now you need to use a template, list them all or create a blueprint.

It would be so much better if I could just choose >if the state of the sensors with the label X changes" and have the specific sensor that changed as the automation trigger object


Looks very good, tempting to start doing scrips/automation through the UI now. But is this possible now without getting comments and such in my yaml removed now?

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No. You can’t have comments in your UI Automations / Scripts.

As this s a third party integration you need to open an issue with the developer.

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Probably the last hurdle before I consider moving to the UI.

Just updated HA running in Docker on a Synology to 2024.4. No signs of the new functionalities like webpage dash, labels, categories etc. What’s up Doc??

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Yeah, I’ve only got recently created ‘basic’ automations in the UI. All my complex stuff is in YAML Packages with comments throughout. It would be a massive undertaking to move everything across to the UI.


Oh ow long I and many others have waited for this update! To be able to organize your automations like this is very much needed so THANKS!

However i do miss a tiny thing as mentioned by others. Being able to collapse your categories in the automations overview would be really helpful. By not being able to do that, you are still left with a huge list of automations really, which is what i suppose we are trying to mitigate :smiley:

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Really excited about this release but unfortunately I’ve had to rollback to 2024.3 as there are problems with Homematic connection. It no longer appears to pick up any devices from homematic.

2024-04-04 09:03:53.861 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.climate] Error adding entity None for domain climate with platform homematic
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/entity_platform.py”, line 787, in _async_add_entity
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/climate/init.py”, line 328, in getattribute
return super().getattribute(__name)
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/climate/init.py”, line 501, in capability_attributes
data[ATTR_PRESET_MODES] = self.preset_modes
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/climate/init.py”, line 328, in getattribute
return super().getattribute(__name)
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/homematic/climate.py”, line 116, in preset_modes
return [HM_PRESET_MAP[mode] for mode in self._hmdevice.ACTIONNODE]
KeyError: ‘AUTO_MODE’

This is repeated for every one of my devices.

Any ideas?

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the notes say that the new webpage dashboard replaces the old iFrame panel. is the iFrame panel the same as the website card you could put on a dashboard or is it something else? i cant think of anything else it could be but i might be missing something

nvm, had a look on the discord and found a link to the iFrame panel docs. different thing that i just didn’t know was a thing. i was worried it was replacing the iframe card with something that would use a whole dashboard and not let you have it next to other things

I stopped making categories by playing with names! best update ever!

made a label ‘alarm’ for my media_players, to be able to do:


and of course then realized I also have lights signaling during an alarm, so decided to change to ‘alarm_spelers’

to my surprise the


still works In the template editor, but even more surprisingly, I need to do

{{label_entities('alarm spelers')}}



returns an empty list. would have expected the label to get slugified

what’s even more surprising, is that



['amusement', 'intercom', 'weer', 'feest_lampen', 'alarm']

even though ‘alarm’ clearly no longer exists

only after deleting the label, and re-adding ‘alarm speler’, the slugified label is returned

and the unslugified {{label_entities('alarm speler')}} also works btw

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I have never seen this on a release day:)


Rpi4 8g

Fantastic release - has created me a ton of wok pairing down everything :slight_smile: