2024.5: Just a little bit smaller


Shortly after release I reported my Shelly Gen1 devices didn’t reconnect after upgrading to 2024.5. This is now a recurrent problem - after any HA restart (e.g. after upgrading to 2024.5.1, after a HACS update, after a config update, etc) there is a better than average chance that some of the Shelly devices fail to reconnect.

I’ve found a similar issues here: No Shelly connections after 2024.3.0 HA upgrade - #14 by BenZoFly

And posted this update:

So a similar thing here. Everything was PERFECT and ROCK SOLID for at least 18 months…then I install 2024.5 and on restart half my Shelly devices Gen1 are offline…a restart of HA doesn’t not return them, nor does a full reboot, not does just ‘waiting’. However, going to Settings > Integrations > Shelly and then for each Shelly device (I have 38) going Reload causes the Shelly to come back on line. It doesn’t need me to touch the Shelly devices themselves, the reload operation immediately restores the connection.

I do not know what has changed, it is almost like the new “fast startup” stuff that has been added is not allowing enough time to restore everything… I have a mix of Shelly devices, all Gen1, all with no cloud service, all hardcoded to talk directly to HA. Some will connect correctly, others do not. I’m not certain yet if it is the same ones that fail on restart or a random selection. But it wasn’t like this before! :frowning:

The logs have this:

2024-05-06 11:50:37.929 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.shelly] Error fetching Shelly-ConservatoryLights data: Error fetching data: DeviceConnectionError()
2024-05-06 11:50:37.958 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.shelly] Error fetching Shelly-Ensuite-Floor data: Error fetching data: DeviceConnectionError()
2024-05-06 11:50:38.825 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.shelly] Error fetching Shelly-Bathroom data: Error fetching data: DeviceConnectionError()

And yet reload re-establishes a stable connection until the next restart…so there is no actual connection problem…

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