2024.5: Just a little bit smaller

How did you manage to downgrade ? Can you share your procedure ? Via the CLI interface it was not possible to perform any maintenance operation during startup and then reboot happened in a 30 seconds window…

We need your home-assistant.log.1 file to work out why, so it can be fixed.

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Speaking of collapse - how about collapsible features of Tile card if off - Tile for lights with both features present even if the light is off is just big and ugly - I love mushroom card for this but would love to see this also with Tile card.

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Memory leak issue and my HA instance is crashing. I try to restore previous backup but i can’t because “it still in startup mode”. I’m stuck and don’t know what to do.

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I had this issue during the beta and what I did was in that 30 second window I rebooted to safe mode. Then I was able to do whatever I needed to do. It was stable in safe mode, so this is almost definitely an issue with a custom integration.

There is a procedure here Error: Another job is running for job group home_assistant_core - #9 by munklinde

In my case the memory leak was due to the Dreame Vacuum custom integration which I managed to disable during the 30s in which the UI was running…

If you’re running HAOS, you can downgrade from command line. Plug in a keyboard and monitor to your HA and issue commands there. Or connect via the SSH addon.


Watching this issues, is it safety to upgrade to 2024.5.0?

The new feature
[https://www.home-assistant.io/blog/2024/05/01/release-20245/#adjust-the-device-names-on-the-energy-dashboard is great but you forgot to do it for the “gas” device. I have aheat pump and would like to rename gas …

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@adizanni I have also this custom integration for dreame vacuum. Can you give me the command line to type ? would be nice thanks

It’s perfectly safe. Worse case, you’ll have to downgrade because a custom integration is causing instability issues (or you can remove the custom integration).

This release will bring thread safety issues from custom integrations into the limelight.


I did not do via the CLI, I had 30 sec in which the UI was running and I disabled the integration using the UI, not sure if there is a CLI for doing that, if your UI never comes up I think you need to downgrade using the procedure in the link I’ve given you before, knowing that it could be difficult for HAOS installations

I love this project but I’m soooooo glad I switched to proxmox and now have the ability to image my HA instance. Backups do work in HA - until they don’t.

If you’ve got your HA backups off device - e.g. in the cloud - and you’re screwed at this point then do a fresh install and restore the backup.


There’s no need to restore a backup. Just downgrade to the previous version via the CLI. Much quicker.

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New in proxmox 2 weeks ago, I understand we can do a snapshot before to upgrade and if we have any problem , we can go back to this image without any problem , correct?

And if the restore doesn’t work or the CLI isn’t responding? I’ve been there. No disrespect intended sorry.

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Yes, just rollback the snapshot and you’re running in a fraction of the time (proxmox). Would advise also using the backup tool and pushing said backups to an external drive (e.g. network share) periodically.

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I was bootlooping during beta testing and still managed it :man_shrugging:

That’s near impossible. It always responds if you connect a keyboard/mouse/monitor to your system.

I run a really odd setup and have ran into so many issues that completely break my system. I’ve never had to perform a full restore. At most, I’ve had to pull files from a backup.

Thanks, yes I have a HA backup in a NAS, VM backup ina Proxmox backup in node1 in my cluster and also , a snapshot , never is too enought when you don´t want to lose data and time

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