2024.6.0 issue - openweathermap undeletable

This upgrade warns I need to upgrade to v3.0 and pay a subscription to continue to use openweathermap.

I decide to delete the integration and use open-meteo as it is free.

I go to integrations and delete the integration entry - one device and 27 entities.

The integration disappears from the integrations page.

Deprecation warning remains and when clicked reports an error:
Config flow could not be loaded: 500 Internal Server Error Server got itself in trouble

Restart of HA and the integration reappears !!!

you don’t need to pay, you get 2,000 API calls / day for free

Thanks for that, but the actual issue - removal of the integration remains.

I had this issue. After deletion of the integration the warning was still there. Restarted HA and the I could then confirm the problem was solved by pressing submit.


But if you restart with the integration configured (after deleting it and re-adding it, but before rebooting), you will still get the same error.

Deleting the integration, rebooting, clearing the repair, AND then re-adding the integration fixed it for me.

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I’m in the same boat and trying to fix it, what do you mean by “clearing the repair”?

After uninstalling the integration and rebooting, the repair no longer shows the error and instead provides a “submit” option to clear it.

Then reinstall and configure. But if the integration is still installed over a reboot, the error persists.