2024.6: Dipping our toes in the world of AI using LLMs 🤖

Came here to mention this since I am waiting for local LLM support in HA. I have a local LLM running on another system in my lab but it isn’t tuned for using tools, either.

Very excited with the possibility of a local LLM in HA that can act against automations, devices, etc. I’m curious if it’ll require a GPU, a Coral TPU, or some other specialized hardware.


I wish somebody would fix this issue from 2024.4 with the Tuya Integration. I’d love to see the new features of 2024.5 & 2024.6.

The paid version is available in Spain האזורים שבהם אפ׊ר להשתמש ב-Google AI Studio וב-Gemini API  |  Google AI for Developers  |  Google for Developers

This update Home Assistant Core 2024.5.3 breakes my HomeAssistant. I wait until new updates come. Today I installed 2024.6.2. Luckily, I made a backup before doing it… and then I used it.
I don’t know why it happens. I install it and then it doesn’t respond anymore. I had to shut off power electricity and start it again. It seems it load OK, but I know (same behavior than last time I installed it) it seems OK, but things don’t update correctly, lost of connections, the system frozes up, te Lovelace interface is very slow…

ÂżAm I the only one experiencing it?

Have you checked your logs?

What third party integrations and frontend cards are you using? Have you checked those for issues?

There’s a multitude of possibilities without knowing more about your setup.

I reverted back to 2024.5.x.

So my dashboard wasn’t loading on a particular PC (opera browser running in a VM Ware instance) - the one I mostly use for HA and I thought initially it was a problem there. The dashboard would basically freeze and not update and reloading the page would just make it go blank and it would load forever with no changes. Weird. Not seen this before.

Reverting (was 2024.6.1) instantly cured the problem. So, weird. I do have reolink cams and this seems to have had a fix in .3 and also my local tuya integration has loads of deprecated warnings. I therefore switched to a new (maintained fork as the original has started to rot (GitHub - xZetsubou/hass-localtuya: 🔹 A Home Assistant integration to handle Tuya devices locally "fork from localtuya") and made sure everything was stable for 24 hours on 2024.5.x. It was.

Today I’ve snapshotted the system (proxmox) and just installed 2024.6.3 to see what happens…

As people say - look at the logs for clues - I’ve a ton of HACs stuff etc but always watch the logs to see what’s generating complaints. With the best will in the world HA is a complex system and we all customise things which can cause problems (or there are just plain bugs in new releases) so keep a good backup system in place. For me that’s HA’s backups, google cloud and proxmox backups/snapshots so I never have any big downtime.

I’ll give .3 a day to establish if it’s now working.

So far so good.

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About entities filtering, is this a bug: when I select some integration and view its entities they are filtered and shown. But after that when I select Entities from the top menubar in order to view all available entities, integration’s entities filter is still active. Shouldn’t it be removed?

Stop being reasonable!

I had to stop sharpening my pitchfork.


if there are users with a lot of entities (+4000 I guess) and using Mac Desktop browser (or Mac HA app for that matter), please check the entities dashboard and see if it populates?

Somehow since the 2024.6 beta I can no longer, or at the very best extremely laggy and intermittently, see the entities anymore.

Of those 4, Integrations seems best, and Helpers do ok-ish too (only 500+ or so, so that might explain it is more responsive)

Devices is already noticeably slower, but does populate the list. Entities remains empty 99% of the efforts, using Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Edge, and the Mac HA app.

Can only list the entities in my iPhone iOS app…

up to the last 2024.5.8 all went buttery smooth, and extremely responsive.

issue at : No entities displayed in /config/entities, and severe lag ¡ Issue #21001 ¡ home-assistant/frontend ¡ GitHub

ofc I did check the logs, and there is nothing obvious, and yes, I did disable several plugins/custom cards and restarted.

somehow the ever increasing number of entities doesn’t seem to help (as it doesnt for the dev tools states either, even though that does populate after waiting some time)

Only have 1500 entities but both the device and entity list populate immediately for me in the Mac app and browser. :man_shrugging:

I am wondering this, too.

I have installed browser_mod to solve this problem, but it also has some other nice features, so maybe I keep it anyway (assuming the new functionality solves the stated problem).

I keep it around as a way to easily find new devices when they pop up.

With this update the cards for my lights (tile, entity, and light cards) are all now displaying brightness as a level (i.e. 0-255) rather than as a percentage as they were previously. Has anybody else noticed this? Is this intentional, and is there a way to change it back? I find percentages are better for an “at a glance” picture of a light’s setting than the level number.

EDIT: Moved post about AI assistant to the comments for AI agents blog post:

OK. I give up. 2024.6.3 has these changes listed:

Bump uiprotect to 0.10.1 (@bdraco - #119327)
Bump uiprotect to 0.13.0 (@bdraco - #119344)
Bump uiprotect to 1.0.0 (@bdraco - #119415)
Bump uiprotect to v1.0.1 (@ep1cman - #119436)
Bump uiprotect to 1.1.0 (@bdraco - #119449)
Bump uiprotect to 1.2.1 (@bdraco - #119620)
Bump uiprotect to 1.4.1 (@bdraco - #119653)
Bump uiprotect to 1.6.0 (@bdraco - #119661)
Bump uiprotect to 1.7.1 (@bdraco - #119694)
Bump uiprotect to 1.7.2 (@bdraco - #119705)

(1) What is “uiprotect”?
(2) What has changed?
(3) How might this impact my system?

A search of this forum shows exactly one reference to uiprotect, in a thread about Teslas.

Clicking on a couple of those links in the change log turned up nothing I could construe as an answer to any of my three questions, above.

With all the “dumbing down” work being done in HA to make the UI easier for beginners, you’d think there would be some thought given to helping them understand how updates might affect them. We tend to give them a hard time here if they don’t read the change notes. It seems to me that the least we could do is make those notes comprehensible.




Only if you use the Unifi integration

Generally upstream release notes aren’t pulled in because they’re often not that helpful to non-developers.

It took me 3 clicks from the blog post to get to this. No typing, no searching, no scrolling, just reading the linked areas. Hope it answers your question.




Oh, I see @Tinkerer has beat me to it. Teach a man to fish as they say.


Regarding OWM and the need to enter a CC# even if you set a limit of 1,000 calls per day, does anybody else think that OWM now requiring that for 3.0 when it wasn’t for 2.5 suspicious? I’ve searched on their site for “how to cancel”, but found nothing. Does anybody know the procedure to do so? Has anybody set this up with the 1,000 daily limit and found it works as advertised?

I’m also curious why HA didn’t choose to use the Professional 60 calls per minute free tier, which seems like an equal or better solution.

why the code owner didn’t choose to use the Professional 60

Fixed that for ya.

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I noticed the same thing and even wrote a draft of a post here. But then I deleted it, because I expected reactions stating that all is fine, because it’s just 3 clicks away. So writing about this seemed not really productive.

However, since you did bring the topic, I want to voice my support.

It is especially jarring, because the main update changelog is so very nicely written. I write public changelogs in my work, so I know how much work, skill and experience must be behind that. The result may look effortless, but I bet it isn’t.

So the main update is written very well, with great effort taken to make it nice read even for people completely new to HA. But then the patches are just copy pasted list from github. And I get it, writing a proper nice changelog for them would be time consuming and would have to delay the patch. So I understand if this can’t be done.

Still, I think the feedback is valid and it’s good to share.

So how do I think this specific case for uiprotect would be handled in a perfect world?

  1. All those entries should be merged into one.
  2. A human readable sentence would state that UniFi Protect integration was updated. It can mention that the uiprotect version was updated from 0.4.1 to 1.7.2.
  3. Some hint on what was changed (was it bugfixes, performance improvement, code optimization, new feature support), doesn’t need to be super detailed. The main point is so that users can figure out if it’s something that affects them and if they should check the details.
  4. A link to the full changelog:
    Comparing v0.4.1...v1.7.2 ¡ uilibs/uiprotect ¡ GitHub

Now, as noted above, I’m perfectly aware this takes time and effort, and so the answer could very well be that it won’t be done. This is just the uiprotect example, it would look different for other cases, where a changelog may not be available at all. For example, this one:

Bump goodwe to 0.3.6 (@mletenay - #119646)

here the dev did write what this was for specifically, this could have been basically copied:

Update the goodwe library to 0.3.6, bringing fix to meter export values to ETT/ESN inverters.

while this one is again different:

Bump buieradar to 1.0.6 (@mjj4791 - #119433)

as it says:

Bump buienradar library to 1.0.6 to resolve #118403

and for this specific case I think the patch notes should just directly have the #118403 bugfix.

So, to sum up, a lot of work, I get it if it won’t be done. But please, do not say it’s all good as it is and devaluate the feedback we are sharing. We wouldn’t be sharing it if it didn’t bother us. Thank you.