2024.8.3 Update, HASS now extremely slow

Unfortunately I didn’t make much progress but I ended up going back to 2024.8.2 and now things are zippy and fast like they used to be. I’ll wait to see what comes of 2024.8.4 I suppose.

I’m actually not even able to downgrade, it’s so slow that it just never downgrades or even let’s me load a previous backup. I think I’m going to have to completely reinstall Hass.

Do you by any chance have a Unifi setup for your network? I updated to 2024.8.3 at the same time I updated my Unifi UDM Pro SE to the latest version and don’t know if it’s related.

I had the same issue with HA core version 2024.8.3 running on Raspberry Pi 4 with 4GB RAM and attached SSD that this version is slow and laggy. Obviously internal I/O issues as the CPU and RAM usage looks ok all the time.

By downgrading to HA core version 2024.8.2 everything is smooth again as it should. So DB upgrade was not the problem at all from 2024.7 to 2024.08.

By the way, you can do the downgrade via CLI without loosing your data, at least the gap between the backup when you dona restore, via CLI by:

ha core update --version 2024.08.2

Let’s wait for a proper update soon. By the way, there is no issue opened right now for this topic on ther GitHub page right? Maybe we should do this…

Not sure if i have the same issue, but it seems to be the same source of issue.

I clicked on update yesterday evening before going to bed. This morning my HA is starting in recovery mode.

To be honest i m fairly new to this game and i have no clue what went wrong.

I cant reboot because of the following message:

The system cannot restart because the configuration is not valid: Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: expected '<document start>', but found '<block mapping start>' in "/config/configuration.yaml", line 3, column 1

So i checked my configuration.yaml:

# Loads default set of integrations. Do not remove.

# Load frontend themes from the themes folder
  themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes

automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml

It somehow complaints about the “default_config:”. Not sure why to be honest.

So checking the protocolls in the settings and i get these messages for the Core:

I am running on an Raspberry Pi 3 B+


Broadcom BCM2837B0, Cortex-A53 (ARMv8) 64-bit SoC @ 1.4GHz
2.4GHz and 5GHz IEEE 802.11.b/g/n/ac wireless LAN, Bluetooth 4.2, BLE
Gigabit Ethernet over USB 2.0 (maximum throughput 300 Mbps)
Extended 40-pin GPIO header
Full-size HDMI®
4 USB 2.0 ports
CSI camera port for connecting a Raspberry Pi camera
DSI display port for connecting a Raspberry Pi touchscreen display
4-pole stereo output and composite video port
Micro SD port for loading your operating system and storing data
5V/2.5A DC power input
Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) support (requires separate PoE HAT)

I am not able to restore from a backup. It loads around 5s and then the window closes without any further action…

As i am new to this, i would love to understand what is going wrong here and if need to reinstall the whole thing (and then maybe try to restore a downloaded backup).

Looking forward for more discussion in here.


Try the command @Fl0W provided below:

ha core update --version 2024.08.2

That’s how I went back without issue. It did take a very long time and appeared to hang, but it got me back.

I do run Unifi WAPs with a cloud key in a docker container on the same host, but no UDM.

. By the way, there is no issue opened right now for this topic on ther GitHub page right? Maybe we should do this…

I’d like to, but going back to my original post, I’m not even sure what info to share to help identify the source.

I went through the release notes and these two changes to aiohttp from @bdraco seemed the most suspicious to me:

Tried that already.

That was the message:

[core-ssh ~]$ ha core update --version 2024.08.2
Processing... Done.

Command completed successfully.

and then again: nothing happened. Even after a reboot of the rasp

Indeed, I had the same in mind as wel as the same problem - how to narrow down the error as obviously not everyone is having this issue… based on our setup it’s also only one specific use case.

I’ll skip the 2024.8.3 and wait for >2024.8.5 and crossing my fingers that it will be fixed (by coincidence).

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Try a restore of a backup you did before the update when it happened. Probably also the DB update went wrong on

Seems like the DB might be corrupted then? I might try to manually restore the DB on the SD card?

UPDATE: Nevermind, it restores now. I guess third time is a charm… Lets see if that fixes the issue

After restoring 2024.8.2 i still have the same issues. Seems like the update to 8.3 destroyed my whole installation. I will try to reinstall completely.

Complete lockup after installing 2024.8.3 Core update on Rpi 3B+. After rebooting I managed to restore to 8.4.2. Everything seems to be back to normal now. Thing is, I had delayed installing this update, as I was wary about running out of RAM on the 1GB RPi 3B+. Guess it’s time to get a new RPi with more memory.

if this is an exact copy of your configuration.yaml the first line “homeassistant*” shouldn’t be there. Not too surprising it complains about the next line with “default_config:” …

Having the similar issue with 2024.8.3 on the Home Assistant Blue - super slow to open things like the Devices & Services list.

There won’t be a 2024.8.5 (or greater). Next release is 2024.9.1 next Wednesday, so there won’t be any more hotfixes until then due to beta testing.

Please follow the steps for Sluggish performance or increased CPU usage

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Over the past week I’ve been seeing issues submitted in regard to the Nabu Casa connection and HA being slow to load. Restarting in safe mode results in expected performance and speed.

After another restart, with HA loading custom integrations again, the problem returns.

So you might try safe mode, using the advanced options in the HA restart menu, and then see if the performance changes. If so, then it is likely some custom integration.

So in my case I think I’ve narrowed it down to a bad UDM-Pro update, but it especially affected my Home Assistant because of the Unifi Networking integration and AdGuard add-on acting as my network wide DNS. I’ve disabled both and had a much snappier experience, but only when I’m outside my network. Once I connect to my wifi everything goes to hell because the UDM is going nuts. On my way to troubleshoot that next for now.

In case it helps others, I did the update to 2024.9.0 yesterday and it’s been solid. I guess whatever problem cropped up in 8.3 has been resolved.

Great to hear that it’s been solved on your end! Unfortunately I do have the same issue with current 2024.9.1 still :frowning:

I will try now to “debug” in safe more, properly some custom integration is causing this issue as I do get a lot of errors when running > 2024.08.2.