2024.8: Beautiful badges!

Probably plotting smth against you.

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if you can, would you please add that to the issues Ive opened.
I didnt check myself yet, but will certainly do so now

is this inside the app, or your phone settings? or your bill already :wink:

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Thank you. It worked

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Completed successfully a couple of hours after I posted, as it turns out.

(db performance is fine under normal circumstances. I suspect this is almost certainly just a product of it being non-local - my HA container runs on my k8s cluster and the db is a MariaDB instance on a shared NAS backend, so the network is occasionally a bottleneck under unusually high sustained loads.)

Anyone here can help me with the following. I have just found out my database conversion has been taking a long time because I have been collecting basically all data for the last couple of years. Now only willing to remain 90 days and keep the rest in the long storage with the less dense history etc feature.

But now I want to purge the DB but it won’t start probably due to the database alerations starting by the upgrade.

Any workarounds?

We are talking about 90+GB

Anyone else had problem with the cast service? Seems that is not more reacheble, what’s changed? I’ve opened a thread 2024.8 google cast issue - Configuration - Home Assistant Community (home-assistant.io)

So, after 24h+ of migrating it seems the process failed. Had 400 days configured resulting in a DB of about 50GB. In the end I got errors about the lock table not being large enough to do the migration. Since this apparently results in the recorder not being started I could not reduce my configured retention and do a purge. A restart of the host just resulted in the migration to restart.

I decided to just drop the DB :cry:. I now have 90 days configured which will hopefully prevent this in the future. It’s specifically the loss of the data in the energy dashboard that makes me sad.

With the backup of the system you may loose just a day’s worth of data.
But an import/export facility for the statistics (energy) might be very useful.

Did a restore, but after restore a lot of core component (amongst which the recorder) couldn’t start anymore.

Have the same issue as well. But with 90GB. Restore of a backup also not working

i have this issue since upgrading to 2024.8 also. I notice my IPP and Yamaha network AVR are also unavailable since the update… could it be related?

Is there a way to add labels to the badges as I have a few that are on/off in a row that have no distinction between them now!

In the dashboard edit mode, click on the badge pencil, there are settings for appearance, visibility and interactions.

Looks like some great work team! I am excited to upgrade! Thank you!

For those who is interested in using new “created_at” & “modified_at” properties:
New “created_at” & “modified_at” properties: expectations vs reality
Not everything works as expected (by me); and there is a probability that for yaml-defined entities it will not work at all.

To me, this “double” layer of actions is more confusing than services vs. actions.
TBH, not sure why service was confusing in the first place.
But ‘actions’ having ‘actions’ sees way more confusing to me.

Are the 2 levels of action have the same capabilities… can subactions themselves have subactions ad-infinitum?


It’s a work in progress. It will eventually be actions and action, as mentioned in the stream.

Speaking as someone who often misses or misreads minor letter changes, the use of ‘actions’ vs’ ‘action’ seems fraught with chances for confusion and mistake.


It doesn’t seem that these actually give access to having the name appear on the new badge layout in 2024.8.0 I’m checking if this is because they were only imported into the new schema, instead of created with a new dashboard to see if there is a difference.

Once you select the dashboard edit then you just click on the individual badge to get access to those options…thanks for this insight…wish I could have an option for just name and state, for some of them I could really care less about the icon!!