2024.8: Beautiful badges!

I disagree. If HA launched a “Mona Lisa card” next month, which effectively does nothing at all except show that single painting, would you be so enthusiastic?

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Are you trying to say that the graphical design of the UI doesn’t matter? It’s beyond ridiculous. If your point was different, you need to be not clear what it was.

“The new sofa is gorgeous … and is too big to fit in the room.”


Yeah, let’s stick to the 50 folding chairs we had in the living room instead.

I’m saying there’s a reason why “form over function” has a negative connotation.

I hope that now my post is more:


If the requirement is to seat 50 in a limited space, it would be counterproductive to furnish it with 10 overstuffed armchairs, regardless of their appearance.

In this situation, the fix is simple. Provide the option to display the badge without an icon.

The space savings would allow long-time badge users like myself to preserve their dashboards. I’m not pining for a return of the old badge, merely for a means of minimizing the width of the new badge.


Well, sure, I don’t see any reason to not add that option.

Because we now can add any custom card in the redesigned badges section, I was experimenting with my ‘round’ custom: button-card buttons with live streaming cameras,

I just discovered we can’t use the aspect_ratio option in the cards options.

currently these are in the cards section of the view:

and adding those to the badges section didnt show anything at first.
they use a button_card_template

  show_entity_picture: true
  aspect_ratio: 1
  size: 100%
  show_name: false
  tooltip: >
    [[[ return entity.attributes.friendly_name; ]]]
      - border-radius: 100%
      - padding: 0

and taking out the aspect_ratio there makes them re-appear…

the 3 badges on the left are the new core badges with config:

      type: entity
      show_entity_picture: true
      display_type: minimal

and obviously a bit too small for this functionality :wink:

if anyone has experimented with the custom:button-card and aspect_ratio (and size for that matter) succesfully, please let me know. Would actually be very nice to have these cameras stream via badges atop of the view

maybe this should go in button-card thread, because we can set the picture style to

          - width: 170px
          - height: 170px

but because the video element is not using that same dimension we get this…

not yet straighforward, will hop over.

love the badges! finally one step closer to stop using mushroom but go with native cards.
Two things I am missing - hide state - I want to use icon only for navigation. and second is menu button to hide/show left panel.

EDIT: just found out that hide state is possbile by minimal settings :smiley:

I’ve never used Badges in the 3 years plus that I have been using HA, but for people searching for an alternative to the current situation, here’s two solutions (examples) that I came up with.

The first row is using the Grid Card (5 elements) and is seeded with the Markdown Card (with optional link to other Dashboard Tabs) for each element.

The second row is again using the Grid Card (5 elements) and is seeded with the Custom Button Card for each element. Clicking on any of the five buttons calls a specific Script for that button which in turn updates a Text Helper.

The graph (ApexCharts Card) is configured to change on any of the above buttons via the Text Helper.


would you know if there is a way to modify the new badges ( which I don’t like at all) to be bigger? I cannot see very well and the new badges are now too small. thank you


Same here and approaching 60: :face_with_monocle: :rofl: But I like them a lot but they are challenging to see, in a quick glance. I know what you will say, buy a bigger phone or screen … :slight_smile:

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no, sorry to say I dont know yet.

And yes, Ive asked some consideration for older eyes before… the new badges are too small to show certain info for my eyes, (I believe it is also the reason some would prefer the old style badges, however out of style in modern day design they are said to be)

but do join New badges and card-mod customisation - #36 by Mikkaat where most of the posts on the new badges, their design and possible customizations are merged.

if you have specific needs on visual accessibility, that would be another aspect, I dont have any experience with, but there are specialists at work to keep HA up to the latest I believe. Maybe contact them at the Frontend repo Accessibility Discussions for that?

Because the discussion didn’t come up again until reply #394. Before then, the problem was somewhat resolved with the discovery of custom:hui-state-badge-element. So yes, you’re correct about the cynicism. :smirk:

Besides, I don’t lurk the forums that often. If I react to every post, it would look like a flame war despite it is not. Also, I can reassure everyone again and again that we are looking into fixes, but there’s nothing I can do if one wants to believe the otherwise.

I’d much rather not cultivate the idea that being toxic or outraged will get better responses. We are all just human beings here (I hope? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) trying to do some good. We make decisions good and bad, and yes we make mistakes too. It’s not corporate speak, but it’s more like the corporate mo****f*****rs abused healthy de-escalation techniques for their greed.


I found a new problem with the badges. I had a badge with hacs.sensor. After installing Hacs 2.0, Spook said correctly I had a messing entity hacs.sensor on my dashboard. But I could not delete it through the UI, as it was not showing. (Old ones would show). I had to go in the raw configuration editor to delete the badge.

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That’s a bug. We will push a fix for that for next release. Don’t hesitate to open an issue in frontend repository for this kind of thing so we are aware of it.


All that is fair enough, but I think devs should more time gathering feedback here. There is a paucity of dev responses here. Not just you, but others. I’m sure they don’t have time on their present schedules, but perhaps they need to make that time, and step back the pace on development. But I know creators want to create, and there are only so many hours, and so much caffeine, in the day. :slight_smile:


so “little of hours” ? ))

No Nick has used the saying correctly. “only so many” refers to a finite amount that is not enough to do all the tasks at hand. “Many” does not mean “a lot” in this context.


I see, apologize a not-english speaker)