I’m using sections and I do have 1 issue since installing 2024.9 for which I cannot find the reason.
The screenshot is from a dashboard for my 7" RPi touchscreen (Raspbian w/ Chromium)
This is taken from the browser on my desktop.
On the RPi the 2 vertical stacks are on top of each other instead side-by-side.
If I make make my browser (on the desktop) smaller, the stacks stay side-by-side, even by making the cards smaller quite a lot until the right one switches to the bottom.
This is how it looks on the RPi
As you can see: the vertical stacks in 2 sections are now stacked vertically as well.
The browser is configured at 100% zoom but even lowering the percentage, doesn’t change anything.
On the tablet (8") it’s the same.
What am I missing?