2025.01 beta: Backups encrypted?

Yeah, i found that, thanks, but no, thanks. I don’t intend to “mess” in cmd prompt for decrypting my own files, and certainly not that complicated entries each time i need a piece of my own code…
I wonder which backup “machine” samba backup uses, since, as said, it still works? I guess that one of those “legacy methods” tom talked about… it that remains then we’re saved, i guess (hope).

What’s wrong with the current system??
It just needs a setting for number of backups to keep.

How about we wait until the feature is released. 90% of the core team is out on PTO right now, and the comments were made in passing when they were on PTO. The initial product will probably be released as it is, but there has been no firm decisions about the future of the functionality.


I’m sorry but this is not correct. There has been several responses from the core team to this, including Paulus, which all have been dismissive of the feedback (see the discord beta channel).

I’m involved in the discord chat :wink: I know what I’ve seen. There has been zero movement because they are all on PTO. Paulus even said this a few hours ago.

Yes again let me repeat what I said:

Whole I agree that timing sucks this is something they. REALLY NEED TO discuss as a team before releasing. This one will light up worse than the dashboard debacle.

Theres no need for them to take the black eye on this. This one is definitely worth holding. If they decide to release as is. I’m getting popcorn to watch the flame war.


well, to answer some baloob claims:

“it will make automated backups available to everyone and super easy”

Sadly, wrong. It will make backups way more complicated for majority, since, as said many times backups are not just for case of crash but for extracting single pieces of code.

“…and they don’t agree with some of our choices. That’s expected…”

well, if they would ask community before doing such major things then above statement wouldn’t be true. That’s why this community is here for, among others.

“if you want to backup before update you can write a script…”

that’s pretty bold thing to say. Not all of us are skilled programmers so we could just “write our own script”…

“if people really care about unencrypted backups, make a custom component…”

How about doing vice-versa? If someone really cares about encrypted backups he/she can make a custom component for it, since he/she is in minority, obviously.


let me comment on “people are running out of space” Baloob’s statement.

If it’s really the problem, then separate volumes for db, logs and backups should be the first step. Current setup with single volume is just amateur, easily leading to system crash.


Yeah… it really helps if no access to HA FE (ie HA is crashed). the same for downloading those backups through samba or sftp.

Seems he is not using HA the same way we do.

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I do not understand. They are all on PTO, but we got 2 new beta updates. B03, B04. Who is then releasing the update?

They have been back for a day or so as of this post.

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And im still absolutely beside myself at some of these answers…

Wait. What? So first. You don’t get the choice to have an unencrypted backup (yes I understand the user can script that. They should not have to)

AND No autobackup before updating?

So people will be riding dirty (the problem is the dev team says no problem we have automatic backup, but… because I guarantee with the can’t produce unencrypted backup issue people WILL opt out. - rather not opt in) and therefore they’re now without a backup for a half year but no problem they forgot where they put the encryption key for it when they setup. Yeahhhh no way that goes bad at all.

Im quite. Concerned. This needs a LOT more baking before it goes prod. (friendly warning dev team. You’re front loading a support issue that will take 3-6 months to surface. It won’t be a pretty one either)


FYI, the encrypted key is available for viewing from the UI.

I"m just passing this info on, no need to respond about why it’s good or bad or any reason that breaks the flow.

You know exactly how I feel about that P.

When the end user needs the restore. They won’t have that.

You start in an empty room. You have a machine suitable for running home assistant and access to the backup. What do you do. I had my key because I’m a good system administrator.

My dad was hosed when you said key. It was written on something and put in a drawer. And he just called panicked AF.

This is a delayed reaction time bomb for guys like me who have to help families like that.

I can WHOLLY understand cloud not wanting to accept unencrypted backup. But if I want to puke that thing to my NAS three times a day unencrypted I should have the choice.

The system should continue to operate as it did until such time new provides feature parity with old. Stopping autobackup at update is ABSOLUTELY not parity and needs to be considered in this new paradigm.

By stopping automatically backing up AND introducing a new gate to backing up (you need the key before we do this-for safely) yeahhh do you see the issue?

If someone does not want to accept the forced encryption backup and says no but assumed everything was going along as prior…

Im very concerned.

This is all solved by giving a checkbox at that autobackup and allowing the end user to accept responsibility for unencrypted backups.


Let me remind you:

I.e. I’m not throwing stones, don’t take my comment as an argument. Just passing the info on if anyone isn’t aware of it.


I’m not arguing with you kind sir. I have a feeling I know your position as well. :slight_smile:

This one is for those of us who do NOT play in discord and do not live in git because we have day jobs.

The staff needs to know our head is freaking exploding out here and before a single person says well then beta test. No. Just no. This is valid feedback from the user community that can save them from having a stellar black eye. We can see the politics in this without even needing to load a single binary.

One thing I’ve learned is you cannot change someone’s culture at work. I don’t try. I provide tools that work inside the way someones culture works.

In home automation we need to look through the lenses doubly so because it’s our home and home cultures are nearly sacred. So I will not change user behavior. If I’m a DIY person and handle my own damn encryption thank you. You have offended my culture and inflicted your own. I will not use your feature. Without thinking the things I relied on for years just also got yoinked.

If they can answer in the docs why that’s not a problem great. I’ve gone through two cups of coffee so far playing out possible scenarios and most of the outcomes I’ve come to are not so good. It starts a flame up in about three mo…


My position is: I really don’t care what the turnout of this feature is. I’ll use it, and any supplemental automation style automatic updates.


I don’t believe they cannot see the consequences, really.
If nobody knows what is it about, then it’s about money (or a lover, but the latter is not the case).