Really looking forward to the integrated backup solution. I’m sure this feature will mature over time with all the constructive feedback and I love what you guys do.
Anybody else having issues with starting the zigbee2mqtt add-on after updating to 2025.1.0? I am unable to get it to start since updating, although I updated HA, OS & the add-on at the same time so I don’t know which action has caused issues. I’ll try to add more info here as I dig it up.
Update: solved via the below process. Leaving here in case anybody else does a bunch of updates together like me.
If anybody else has this issue, could be due to updating Zigbee2mqtt from something older than 2.0.0. Check for this in the Zigbee2mqtt log. See the end of issue discussion at the url in the below log snippet for an example of how to update the configuration. Note that the add-on configuration is what needs changing, not HA configuration.yaml.
[2025-01-04 07:28:43] error: z2m: Error: USB adapter discovery error (No valid USB adapter found). Specify valid 'adapter' and 'port' in your configuration.
[2025-01-04 07:28:43] error: z2m: If this happens after updating to Zigbee2MQTT 2.0.0, see
how often do you open your backup archives?
Very often. I often change an automation, or script and something does not work and I find the old working yaml in the backup from yesterday and copy paste it back. I even make a manual backup before making bigger changes in automations.
What do you open it up for?
Get old yaml than my revised broken one.
It also happens that I have to hack the files in .storage when e.g. the Deconz integration leaves ghost devices that cannot be removed. I had to do that two days ago. I made a backup just before doing that.
How often do you need to restore your backups?
Mostly to revert broken HA releases - 1-2 times per year. And every 2nd years when getting new hardware for HA.
I am really worried about these encrypted backups. I am worried that I may loose the key. I am worried that I cannot access old yaml.
An MVP is OK when it is a new feature. But taking away a function that we rely on is not OK. You should have made encryption optional. At least for local storage. I am fine that a Nabu Casa cloud backup must be encrypted.
Please make this optional fast.
Unfortunately the team seems to have missed a point about MVP. When doing something new, it really is anything that does something that can be considered useful. But when replacing an existing implementation, it is anything that is at least as good as the earlier one.
Forced encryption is not. It is clearly worse than the old implementation. For very many it is just waste of many sorts of resources. And it brings in the single point of failure with the keys - which many new users will discover too late, if they really act like described in the reasoning of this whole backup change.
If we upgrade HA, could we continue to use the Google drive backup integration (backup on my Synology via samba backup, and another one on my google drive) and not the new HA backup option?
Since 2025.1 my log file is flooded with previously not seen error:
2025-01-04 10:19:51.389 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant] Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved (None)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 1055, in _async_update_entity_states
await entity.async_update_ha_state(True)
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 978, in async_update_ha_state
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 1148, in _async_write_ha_state
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 1081, in __async_calculate_state
capability_attr = self.capability_attributes
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/media_player/", line 1087, in capability_attributes
) and MediaPlayerEntityFeature.SELECT_SOURCE in supported_features:
TypeError: argument of type 'int' is not iterable
it repeates every 10 seconds, so it is already hundreds of entries since update… Any idea what it is and how to fix this?
Just FYI, your Card-Mod changes might be effected by this update.
Since I only have a few, I don´t know what is effected, but the code below doesn’t hide the icon in the entities card of my input select anymore.
I really appreciate the work that has been put into the new release and I understand the point of the MVP very well. I use HA for not that long now, but meanwhile I have 35 integrations (both official and from HACS) installed and everything works. After updating I got overwhelmed with error logs both for the built-in integrations as well as the community ones; so I quickly reverted back to the 2024 version without further analyzing.
Key aspect for me to be using the new version is availability of my integrations, since I have my house run by them. Fixing one or two of them comes with the open source approach, but not 50%. I am gonna come back, when availability is given.
I must agree with the criticism to the “forced” encryption approach as a design philosphy. Software should be made to make peoples live easier and not produce more hassle than necessary. People run HA locally for a reason; what is the security point in there?
please join in, it’s a major issue, as all cards using hui-generic-entity-row are affected, like
it’s so peculiar, that entities in a regular entities card are now no longer moddable like before, but the entities inside a fold-entity-row are…
to name but one change we are facing.
By the looks of it now, we are going to have to write dedicated mods for all different combinations in card and entities… which of course is a terrible experience. And no clue why this was done, or how. Must be some benefit in HA core Frontend for this, but even that is non disclosed.
Given the fact card-mod is not very well maintained and has a lot of open issues, I dont have high hopes we could see a fix for this in card-mod itself, so again, we’re on our own here.
Great backup stuff! However, I wanted to configure my backup NAS location which works fine, but I realized that at 4:45 my NAS is shutdown because I want so save the energy. Can we please have a configurable timer so I can run it at 7:15 in the morning?