2025.1: Backing Up into 2025!

Not sure what to tell you then, it’s a bug somewhere that you’re running into with your settings for the share addon and HA’s backup system.

Regardless of that, you don’t need to change the default location as you can just omit the local backup (but keep the share backup) to achieve the same result.

Conceptually, the samba share addon will be creating and copying/pasting from one share folder to another. Which doesn’t really make sense.

I can’t say that this is a new problem. Several people have had it and the “solution” was always to set the storage location to local.

I’m actually surprised that it works for some people.
But sorry for the OT - it probably doesn’t belong here.

Can we please get an option to create backup again available when doing updates (core, add-ons etc)?
It’s really backward step to have it removed…


I quoted the paragraph in full and also linked it in my last post, now also underlined the word “encryption” - maybe it was to blurred : :point_down:

Long story short: Our company consulted various specialized lawyers and all came to the conclusion the best thing (also but not only to satisfy GDPR rules) is to encrypt everything that holds personal data. The reason was also that in case a device that holds data gets lost/stolen/disappears it doesn’t directly cause an GDPR incident (data breach/loss) if the files were proper encrypted :lock:

TL;DR: better safe than sorry :bulb:

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Lawyers and consultants will always (most of the times) tell you to go for the strictest approach “just in case”.
Just think that Apple allows you to decide whether you want to encrypt Time Machine backups or not…

Thanks for this! I just added it here and it works perfect! By chance, do you have an automation to keep “xx” amount of backups in the remote SMB share so that it auto-purges old ones after xx days or xx files?

This is great. It used to be included but then got removed for some reason. Glad to see it back.


@frenck the changelog link on the blog points to the RC:

All changes

Of course, there is a lot more in this release. You can find a list of all changes made here: Full changelog for Home Assistant Core 2025.1

Is this a screenshot from the Google Drive backup add-on or the native one? I’m talking here about changing the setting in the Google Drive backup add-on from “default” to the network location you have defined in HA “storage” gui. This is a dropdown option in the add-on.
PS: I just saw that your links refer to a different add-on, the Samba backup add-on. I’m talking here about the Google Drive backup add-on.

if you search the forum for “find /backup” there are loads of threads using shell_command to delete backups older than X days and you can find what approach works best for you…

the Auto Backup Integration (and others) currently do this as well if you wanted to go that route…

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I can’t understand why we always have to pick the most difficult option. All this is very easily configurable through the Google Drive Backup add-on GUI. The add-on works perfectly fine even after 2025.1 and the backups are unencrypted unless you decide otherwise in the settings.


(post deleted by author)

Yea I can attest to this as well, Ive had to role back a few backups over the last few months because after a update HA would just boot loop every 30min or so… but there was a backup that ran right before the update so I would just roll it back and try the next update that came out with another backup that ran. Sad that its no longer there. Hope I can remember to do a backup right before I do my next update.

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Where key fragment is:

“including inter alia as appropriate:”

It means it is not mandatory. It is one of the possible/adviced methods to consider.
Just let me remind, you started with encryption is a mandatory for GDPR

I understand. But it’s different from (let me quote you)

For companies based in the EU encryption is mostly mandatory if they process any personal data

No, it’s not mandatory.

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This is for local/SMB backups - not Google Drive. I want nothing to do with cloud backups.

You can make a local NAS backup with this add-on perfectly fine. And it has all the functionality you want. Just try it out.

I agree. I don’t understand why we have to wait for the monthly release for this option to be restored.

where did the partial backup options go when updating an addon?
In the past, if you updated an addon, you could roll it back, but this option is no longer there or I don’t see it anymore, let’s put it that way.

It’s gone. Please refer to the previous 900 messages!


That is not very convenient if I want to restore a backup now I am stuck with a backup from the night and you do not want that.
Nice that it is possible via HASS itself but this is a disappointment.

in the 900 messages back I could not find much about it hence the question