2025.1: Backing Up into 2025!

Watching? Sure, but are you also Listening? It appears to me (and I’ve had to look away from this debacle) that this is a 3-alarm, out-of-control dumpster fire that, for every day it is not properly addressed, continues to do irreparable damage to this community’s trust in HA leadership. It’s OK for those in charge to admit they were wrong and correct the situation. There’s no shame in that. What would be a shame is if you just let the whole thing burn down.


I hear what you are saying but I do not feel the same. I have only been using HA since last June, so maybe it is still new to me. In summary I am annoyed by this release. But that is not a problem, I simply will not update. HA works great for me as is. The Google Backup works great for me. I can easily wait a few months. My family would probably prefer I wait. I could even upgrade and deal with the lack of automatic backup before updates.

Having a community that cares this much about HA is a good thing. In my estimation, only good will be the result of this. After a few bumps.

Thank you to all the volunteers and people at NC who work on HA.


What is your recorder settings and are you excluding any entities?

How long have you been using HA?

If I just backup Homeassistant Settings and History I’m below 400MB for a backup and have been running for two years with about 220 devices and 1180 enabled entities.

You can do partial backups through the new method and the manual modes or through add-ons as well.

Have not altered the Recorder settings, but don’t log unnecessary things. I check per device entity if it is something I’d like to store history for and disable what I don’t need and remove those from the history. There’s a total of 2599 entities in my install…

My full backup is a lot bigger at 3,2GB, but most of that data is in the Add-Ons like PLEX.

the fix for my problem was using an unencrypted backup, and it ran falwlessly.

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Again, you are lawyer number 4 commenting on this - the other three law firms contracted told our company it is de-facto mandatory because it is state of the art :star2:

One of the 3 law companies consulted claimed that “state of the art” technology does actually implies encryption today. While 10 years ago it wouldn’t have be, saving personal data un-encrypted today as a business could count as violating GDPR rules. :bulb:

To be certain you might (as a business) save personal customer data un-encrypted and then self-report yourself to the national authority in charge of the GDPR. That way you at least what is to expect on national level (the GDPR might be differently treated in different countries). :twisted_rightwards_arrows:

One more technical side note: You might not actively encrypt inside an database/application or even OS because the underlying hypervisor or such does already encrypt on a lower (block) level! :lock:


Where do I find ‘backup’ in the HA roadmap published only a little earlier than the release containing a re-work of the backup solution of HA?

Perhaps ‘Privacy’ could relate to encrypted backups - but at least I hoped for RBAC when reading ‘Privacy’


Off-topic, thankfully, but I would really like to see a drawing like this to show the relationship of everything that makes Home Assistant. Starting with, what is in core, what is the relationship to Add-ons and integrations.


That is usually the incorrect decision many execs jump to… People want an easy button. (solutions exec is my job title… Make easy buttons, I try but some things don’t get easy buttons. ) GDPR is no exception.

Ive been in many meetings and literally heard someone say just encrypt it it won’t be an issue…

Uh yeah guys, encryption doesn’t work like that? You’re not compliant just by slapping encryption on a thing like a bandaid. The minute encryption comes out as a possible solution security audit and an entire process check must happen. Else.

Well ok were living else right now.


This update inspired me to look more closely at backups and I may have missed it in this thread…

There appears to be no retention by location.

Nabu casa cloud appears to be hard coded retention = 1 (regardless of space).

But if you want different retentions on local vs (say) a local SMB share, there’s no way to do that? That’s unfortunate but not a huge deal.

And I see people saying if I want unencrypted backups locally I can still do it manually but… what action is used? Is it the hassio.backup actions, and are they still supported/complete?*

Or is there another “manual” that can be unencrypted?

But yes, please put me down for wanting an unencrypted option, feel free to make it so integrations (e.g. nabu casa storage) can require it, but I believe encryption which can only be tested by a full restore won’t be tested, and so any bugs that may corrupt it will not be found until it is a disaster. I want to be able to check the contents of my backups periodically to make sure they work.

A backup that is not periodically tested is bad – and this makes it harder to test.


Two patches and still no disabling backup encryption? I may never upgrade if this is not fixed.


What do you expect, you could pledged a $1m dollar to rollback the change, they wont, they never have.

The HA devs have always paid lip service to the user base, its a personal project for them, its their toy, their ball, they know best!!!

They hideout on discord so that they don’t have to listen to anyone.

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This Auto Backup Integration, combined with the rclone addon by the same developer is golden! Great work @jcwillox !
The backups created by the integration are automatically uploaded to a destination of choice. In my case to an iDrive e2 bucket.


Unfortunately not, and I’ve already stumbled upon this. With a sensible backup solution, you would probably want to set something like this: keep 5 locally and keep 30 externally (SMB). I have no idea why no one thought of this when implementing the “new” backup system. Especially not when you consider that this has been a given for years with external solutions like Samba Backup…

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And this is a great example to show the philosophy that Home Assistant developers follow. Having great solutions at their fingertips, instead of modeling their own projects on them, they create monsters. Gentlemen developers, believe me, you are not always right.


It is a version 1.0. I see people really knocking the developers of a free product heavily. I’m hoping they are listening, but I do remind myself it’s FREE.

Yes - as it is at the current time.

Something like this using the native service calls works creating an unencrypted backup on a network share.

action: hassio.backup_full
  compressed: true
  homeassistant_exclude_database: true
  location: EE_NAS_Tosh_Hassio_backups
  name: Full backup {{ now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') }}

It’s not free. Can it be run for free, yes. But Nabu Casa collects revenue and distributes it to full time employees.

Currently on place 5 of the most-discussed topics in the “blog” section. Just saying.
And quite certainly not because backups in themselves are a controversial topic. It kind of saddens me to witness it all.

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Like almost all FOSS software there’s a way to contribute revenue. Nabu Casa gets paid (by me) to provide a link to google that saved me the trouble of setting it up. I could have done it myself (well, it’s recently changed, so not 100% sure is still true) and paid nothing.

To me it’s about as free as free software gets.
