With all do respect, that is what a beta is for. This is not something that should have made it into the general release for the community to “deal with” until the development team can find a better way to implement their new features.
Further more, this is most certainly not just an annoyance. These are legitimate concerns for a critical component of the system which in a single update stoped functioning in the way it did previously. Crypto isn’t just something that gets mashed into a product for the first time AND have it’s usage forced on users.
I’m pretty easy going about this project there are lots of “annoyances” that are just that, only annoyances. Because of that, I keep my mouth shut. I personally really dislike the new logo, but at the end of the day, it’s just aesthetic and didn’t break any functionality so it wasn’t really worth making a stink about, especially since I’m not a code contributer.
This is not the same and I think people are rightly upset about the decision to include what is in my opinion a half baked solution into the general release.