2025.1: Backing Up into 2025!

well, I for sure didnt know that had been decided on, so am glad to find that in the Github just now.

btw, this is a nice read too Pull requests · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub

At least there seems to be an option in the future to set the backup time.

A small glimmer of hope, even if that doesn’t change the catastrophic decisions to remove backups before updates and the mandatory encryption for local backups.

I also think that the number of backups kept locally and remotely always has to be the same is a bad decision and a design flaw.


As far as I have been able to assess that design decision ( backups before update) has not been reverted.

Is there a vetting process to review new functionality with a user forum or something similar or is it just decided internally by the Home Assistant team and then launched?

BTW, what exactly is this ‘team’?

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*I’m only addressing the second part of your post, I’ll leave the first part to another.

Nabu Casa employees (not all NC employees are HA coders and not all HA coders are NC employees):

Github Home Assistant organization members*:

You can also see anyone who has ever contributed to any of the HA repositories, e.g. core has had 4036 contributors at the time of writing:

*I believe these are individuals associated with the Home Assistant project that have the ability to review, and possibly merge, pull requests into the main project. If anyone with a greater knowledge of this contradicts this or provides more context, I’ll happily edit my post.

/edit: Just correcting some grammar errors.


You are not new here, you should know who people are talking about when people talk about HA engineers. Stop the sealioning, please, or I will give you a temp ban.

I will be posting in here the moment I know that changes will be rolled out, y’all. There will be instructions in how to test things. I do not have a time frame for that yet, but I will provide it.


You got the right info there. :ok_hand:

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I’m not new to using HA, but I’m definitely new to the development and decision-making process, especially when it comes to the commercial side of things with Nabu Casa. That’s why I had two serious questions—one about how decisions are made for new features and the other about who’s actually in charge of things.

If this is a sensitive issue, fine, but please don’t accuse me of trolling. Seriously!

And if you want to issue a ban, go ahead, but honestly, I couldn’t care less, and it would just show that something’s really gone off track. Your call.


Whether or not you realize it, many of your posts have a trolling undertone to them. All throughout WTH, recent posts outside this thread, as well as here. We are reaching a “limit”.



Not the place for this conversation, y’all. Take it to another thread.


Dunno how many times I will say not the thread for this.

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Yes, there is. See post#465.

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in fairness it’s prob OS/install type dependant…is there on HAOS

for all who are interested;

i made simple app (runs as console app windows / linux etc) to decrypt tar

Its on github: GitHub - sdotter/ha-backup-decrypt

Usage: ha-backup-decrypt <input> <output> <key>

just so you are aware: Support decrypting backups when downloading by emontnemery · Pull Request #135728 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

this might land in the next update, not sure if in the patch though.

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That would be nice! Dankjewel voor de info! :smiley:

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so to have unencrypted backup, you have to upload it first?

I think this is about downloading from your HA to your device accessing HA, through the UI. So it should not just be from the cloud, but also for local backups.

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