2025.2: Iterating on backups

I think screenshot is from the actual Add-on’s page itself (Settings > Add-ons > then choose the individual add-on) rather than the first Settings page where every update prompt is shown…
Don’t have any updatable Add-ons to check so can’t verify but it might be a “feature” of that page.

So it looks like it may be a case of backup is ON by default when you go to Settings > Add-ons > Addon but OFF by default when you update from the main Settings page…

It was just an example … I saw the same behavior yesterday with the let’s encrypt addon…

i dont care if its on/off by default, but when i update the addon, and i turn the toggle OFF, it should not create the backup :slight_smile:

i had the issue already in core-2022.12.2 , see here:

I suspect the switch state must be “sticky”, as mine are definitely off by default.


and why are you telling me that…
I replied to Daniel and added you as a FYI so you’d understand why people are telling you something you believed not to be the case.

I don’t care whether it’s On or Off by default…I don’t let a single toggle switch impact me that much

and if you backup, is it acutally NOT backuped? cause thats my issue :slight_smile:

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and now that’s certainly a problem… :grinning:

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this is not ‘simply’, I copied the wrong credentials, but they are used by other things, I can’t ‘just’ delete them

Looks like switch might be back-to-front. When I updated the Zigbee2MQTT add-on I forgot to turn the switch on, however just had a look and it did make a backup.

Snap … same thing here :face_with_monocle:

So that means there is a bug? :slight_smile:

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Yeah I’ll open an issue.

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I already have that issue open, maybe you can reply there too?


See 10 posts above :slight_smile:


Can you edit the issue and change the documentation link to https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/backup/

Also it might help if you update the version to core-2025.2.0 instead of core-2022.12.2 as the backup integration has changed considerably since then and this will let them know it is an issue with the current version.


Psst… :shushing_face: I may be working on a integration.


Yes - you can.
Read again - especially:


If you have an error with your credentials, you can delete them in the Application Credentials user interface.

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Yeah just found it. A screenshot wouldn’t hurt though, nor a link from the config flow modals!

Feel free to open a PR on the docs :wink: