2025.3 Beta Week

Hey, friends! Due to its popularity last month and because I think it’s a great way to keep y’all involved - this thread is for the 2025.3 beta!

A general reminder: Beta week is not designed to fully overhaul a new feature, but to identify bugs that may be introduced with the update.

If you have an issue, please let us know here! However, the developers are very active in the #beta channel of our Discord server during Beta week - it’s good to hop in there if you can. To ensure things are addressed in a timely manner during Beta, be sure to also submit issues on GitHub in their proper space:

Now that’s out of the way, here are this month’s Beta notes. Things that I think you will be most interested in (it’s basically everything but with handy links):

I just updated Beta myself and cannot wait to try out the new tile card features. :relieved:

Happy testing, y’all! :tada:


Great stuff guys! Thank you!

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The energy distance device class for sensors, which supports the following units: kWh/100mi , kWh/100km , mi/kWh

But the unit Wh/km would also be a nice addition.

(In my opinion, it’s the best unit to compare energy usage because it has three significant digits)

On the subject of margins, would it be possible to give sections the option to be completely removed when empty (I have some hidden warnigs in a top section that is empty most of the time. The empty section creates some noticable extra padding on the top of page.

While it’s probably a nice feature for some users, that automatic switch from installing an integration to the integration page is something that annoys me. Is there a way it could eventually be made user controllable?

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Seems backup to Onedrive is broken

as mentioned in the Beta Discord, I am seeing the new header: option in the views only applied to regular dashboard views, not to subviews.

Seems a bug (and especially a pity because I use those markdowns mostly on my subviews…)


thi has been fixed in B1
it was not the fact I tried the header on a Subview. It was caused by the fact that particular view had no badges section…
or so it seems.
Anyways, it’s fixed now.

Still broken in 2025.3.0b1.

Not really, an hour after HA started Onedrive was available.