220v Zigbee/Zwave Light Wall Switch

Hi, I am looking for a light wall switch (it can be zigbee or ZWave 908.4 MHz) for 220v circuit. I have only found the aeotec or fibaro inwall switches, but this is not what I want.

Any ideas?

I have in my house over 10 such switches:

Those are zigbee devices, works with or without neutral line. They works without neutral even with just one led bulb. They are cheap, around US$20.
One, two, or three switches versions are available.

Or zemismart.


Thanks for both options, I had looked for them and never found. I imagine they both work ok with home assistant?

Thanks. I was looking at the product and it says it is 2/3 way. Do you understand what this is?

Can 1 button turn on and off the light?

1/2 or 3 ways means how many lights can be indenpendently controlled by the switch. Like old electromechanical switches, single , double, etc.
Yes, one button performs toggle (on/off).



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Two way switch on/off with single switch. Three way has two switches but internal has traveler wires to allow each switch to turn on/off light independently. N-way - yes there are 4 -8 way switches that can be wired. Easy way to look at it is 1 switch+1 set of lights (LOAD) = 2 way. 2 switches + 1 LOAD = 3 way. 5 switches + 1 LOAD = 6 way.

It supports both 2 and 3 way as needed.

Yeah that is not the way such setups are universally named. Here in NZ, and many other countries, a 2 way setup is where you have 2 switches controlling 1 light, like at the top and the bottom of a stairway. A 3 way setup is where you have 3 switches and one light, like for a three story stairway with a switch at each level (bottom floor, middle floor and top floor).

I stand corrected outside North America. But what they showed in the pictures above is generally referred to as single gang or N gang switches.

I imagine that these are 1/2/3 gang switches, and that the 1 gang could be configured as a two way system?

Hi, so i’m planning on buying some of these:

Do they integrate easily to HA or does it need a tuya hub?

I currently own a zigbee stick (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01GJ826F8/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1)

thanks for the help


Of course not.

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From what i’ve read, they need a capacitator?

That’s what it says.

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How can I a 1 gang switch with a two way light bulb?

In my kitchen i can turn off and on with 2 different switches.

how can i a 1 gang switch with a two way light bulb?

in my stair i can turn off and on with 2 different switches. One going up and one going down.

Is this achievable with these zemismart?

Yes. Simple. Wire one switch to the bulb. Wire the other switch so it is powered but not physically connected to the bulb.

Use switch 2 via an automation to toggle the state of the light.

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