24hr format instead of AM/PM in Europe

That doesn’t help here.

Windows English installation set up for Dutch system.
HA language English: am/pm times.
HA language Dutch: 24h times.

iPhone English installation set up for Dutch system.
HA language English: 24h.

2 years later and there is still no sense…

I can’t believe it, it was actually fixed in 0.109 or 0.110. Open your profile and set language to English (GB).

The unbelieve was true. It is not fixed. Logbook is 24h now and some other elements too, but clicking on stuff in the UI still shows am/pm. History also lots of am/pm.

Home Assistant rollercoaster life, as always… In Firefox set English (United Kingdom) as language. I guess just wipe out United States anywhere you see it and take regular English or UK English.


I wanted to change from AM/PM to 24h clock and went down a rabbit hole by changing the language in Windows, Chrome browser and my Google account. All of those were already in English, just not UK.
Nothing seemed to amend the clock in Hassio though.

But when i went into my profile (in Hassio) and switched from English to Swedish (which is my native language) the clock switched to 24h, great!

…but now every device and operating system i own is in English, but not the interface in Hassio.
Can I somehow force the interface to be in English, but still keep the profile setting that allows for a 24h clock?

A distingtion between English (UK) and English (US) in profile would probably remedy the issue in my case.


I posted a long time ago and also opened the github bug.
Running HA in my browser on both iPad and PC - having set my language to English (GB)

All is beautifully 24 hour clock now. Thank you @Bram1 for spending the time fixing this. It is much much appreciated.

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When was it fixed, do you have a PR?

The github bug that was closed was https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant-polymer/issues/3332 that I posted earlier in this thread.

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For me it is working SOMEHOW, a little better.
My user is set to GB(Englísh) and it now works overall perfectly fine in an ENGLISH OS iPhone:

And with my GERMAN Win10 installation it looks like this (with the same user)

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Just as a comment (and confirmation) in this depressing thread: this is very (VERY) common in Europe amongst tech people (as you know, being European). We are used to English as an '“interface” language and whatever traditional date/time setting there are in our country (and money, units, …).

I am French and use English in everything tech related because this is the language of technology.

Looking at a clock has nothing to do with technology, I grew up with 16:30 (actually 16h30) as the time I was leaving school since kindergarten. It is obvious that I want to retain this in my time settings.

My OS is in English, my browser is in English, my Linuxes are in English but my time is 24h based.


It’s fixed in 0.115


@petro Thanks for the followup. By “fixed” you mean “settable”? I looked in the docs but did not see anything regarding the hour format.

I had to change my language do English Canadian to see the 24hours format (this is a hack, though)

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0.115 has the changes so the docs don’t have it until 0.115 is released in 2 weeks. Go check out the wth that sparked the fix, there’s a pr that describes the changes.

Super, thanks for the information.

Go check out the wth that sparked the fix, there’s a pr that describes the changes.

Please could someone translate this into English? wth? spark a fix? a pr? I really have no clue where to look…

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It was the month of wth.

Turn of phrase: Something that motivated another to perform a fix to home assistant.

A fix to home assistant, a Pull Request (PR) on github.

Maybe I really don’t get it. I like my English user interface. But with 24h time format, (weeks start on Monday and the first week of a year is the week having 4 jan in it and dates written like dd-mm-yyy or yyyy-mm-dd decimal point and comma for thousands separator.) I don’t understand the “fix”. Where can I set globally these preferences to overrule all the settings other people or frontends might think I would like. Which are apparently faulty guesses as you can see by my European preferences…


For now, you can’t. The time format is fixed, the calendar is still using sunday as first day of the week.

I’t is really strange that after more than 2.5 years conversation there’s a reply with “It’s fixed in 0.115”. And all I understand that there is nothing globally fixed. The topic is 24hr format instead of AM/PM in Europe". I read the whole thread from beginning to end. I am a front-end and backend developer (other languages/tools) and I understand that this can be a really difficult thing to fix. But what I don’t understand is there is nowhere (at least in this thread) a constructive discussion on how to fix this to satisfy everybody’s need/wishes. In my opinion it can at least have a simple start by adding these options to a users preferences. A simple “auto” on/off toggle with when auto=off a bunch of settings to address the local preferences for the user. Default is auto=on and there is no change in the UI whatsoever. When these preferences are known/settable the user-interface can be (bit by bit, small steps) changed to obey these preferences.

The simple fact that a user not always is in control of his/her UI/language/settings (or has different devices with different settings) is the most clear explanation to why this wish is so important to everyone. Or the fact that a users OS is in local language and want to see this UI in English. I know this all has been said before but I would like to see a constructive solution initiated instead of a discussion ongoing for ever…

I hate it when I go to a website (for example Debian, one of the most annoying examples) and the browser gives me pages translated to my own language without an obvious way to change it (and keep my preference). The translation is often poor, strange or incomplete and that does not help searching for fixes or and during a help/support session. Please let the user choose. LET THERE BE FREE CHOICE. :smiley:

Maybe there is a conversation somewhere else discussing this locality-issue. Please point me where! I really would like to add my 2ct there.


I believe the WTH thread Petro linked to is the “best” thread regarding this topic as far as I have seen in this forum.

But what I don’t understand is there is nowhere (at least in this thread) a constructive discussion on how to fix this to satisfy everybody’s need/wishes.

Yep. But thats mainly because this is a user forum and not a developer forum.

Unfortunately, these people tend to be like that. You have to constantly remind yourself that all you’re seeing here is not representative for the development of the project but rather just how forums on the internet are.

If you set your profile to ‘English UK’, in 0.115.x you will finally get 24hr format consistently in HA. The other localization options are not there, and we can only hope one day there will be there.