2Gig Z-Wave STZ-1 Heat Rest Cycle Time

Hey, just wanted to post in case anyone else is looking at this thermostat. The 2Gig STZ-1 has a bunch of values to the configuration, one of which is the rest time between heating cycles. The minimum is set to 5 minutes, and there appears to be no way to go below this value. Why is that an issue? Well, the attached image shows the large temp range you’d get in an older home (compared to Honeywell thermostats, including a smart one). The Honeywell keeps within a degree of where it wants to be, but the 2Gig has over a 2 degree F swing. I returned this one because in an older home, the time that the dropoff takes will make that range even larger in much colder weather (I believe it was in the 40F range when I captured this).

So beware if you’re looking at this model.