I would like to run 2 homeassistant instances on nuc via VM;
1 for testing and 1 as real.
However, I now have 2 running, but when I start the first one my USB devices are recognized, but when I start the second one it does not see the USB devices!!! Can I solve this? If yes, how?
You can only ‘pass-through’ USB devices to one VM at a time. So when you change VM, you need to change the ‘pass-through’ settings of the used USB devices too.
Depends what USB devices you use, and what integrations.
For Zigbee, create a third VM, pass your dongle to that VM, run Zigbee2MQTT and Mosquitto on that VM.
For Z-Wave, you could do the same with either Z-Wave JS or Z-Wave JS UI
For rflink, you could ditch the USB-part and attach an ESP-01 to get the information
Is there a concise explanation somewhere, because this is going a bit too quickly for me. I test a lot and am already quite up to date, but this is still a bit too complicated!
USB devices can, by limitation defined the standard, only have one master.
What is being suggested here is to move the USB devices to other computers/devices/VMs, so they act as masters and then use the MQTT protocol to relay the events.
MQTT is a service that allow many slaves to connect to it and many master to also connect to it.
The problem with a MQTT setup and multiple HAs (masters) is that you might have to handle events caused by one HA on the other HA and vice-versa to have them in sync.