Upgrade to latest version and something where started happening with my automation.
I have a mqtt based thermostat.
Slider that sets the cooling point
alias: New Family room Cooling point
platform: state
entity_id: input_slider.family_ac_temp
service: mqtt.publish
data_template: {"payload":"{{ trigger.to_state.state | int }}", "topic":"smartthings/Family Room Thermostat/coolingSetpoint", "qos":"1", "retain":"1"}
and a MQTT tigger that that sets the slider
alias: "Update Family AC Slider"
platform: mqtt
topic: smartthings/Family Room Thermostat/coolingSetpoint
service: input_slider.select_value
entity_id: input_slider.family_ac_temp
value: '{{states("sensor.family_room_cooling")}}'
When I move the slider I get a bunch of ping ponging going on bewteen the old MQTT value and the new on, back and forth back and first, I can see the slider going from 71 to 73 for example alternating and not stopping and if I monitor the mQTT server I see the messages there as well.
Rolling back to 28.2 does not do this. I have not tried 31