It worked with my 1 button switch. I can also control the third led with the Tx pin. If the layout of the 3 gang is different you would have to figure how the mapping is with the esp8266 by looking at the traces or trial and error after the chip has been swapped. There is a small chance you may not be able to control the 3 gang though.
Hi @benmprojects I don’t know if you ever got the 3 gang version to work but I recently got this switch and took on the ESP-12E replacement. I have had success after some trial and error - here’s the steps I went through:
- Put Tasmota onto an ESP-12E (I desoldered one off a spare Wemos D1 mini that I had - made the upload easy) and tested to make sure it worked (See the Frankenstein wiring to check the chip worked stand-alone).
- Desoldered the WR3 chip and cleaned up the pads with braid and some isopropyl alcohol (I used a hot air station @ 400°C - mall nozzle)
- Soldered on the ESP-12E chip (using soldering iron @ 350°C) and bridged IO15 to GND (this is essential for the chip to boot)
That was all the soldering work. Honestly it went a lot smoother than I was expecting!
Once plugged in the chip booted and I finalised the Tasmota configuration. Unlike the template that exists for the previous ESP-12E based version, the GPIO configuration has changed for the WR3-based board. Below is the configuration I used:
GPIO 1 - LED 3 (Green LED)
GPIO 3 - Relay 3
GPIO 4 - Relay 1
GPIO 5 - Relay 2
GPIO 12 - Button 3
GPIO 14 - Button_n 2
GPIO 16 - Button 1
The GPIO 14 was the hard one. I could tell by the PCB layout that GPIO 14 was correct for the capacitive button and through trial and error I found Button_n was the correct configuration to turn on Relay 2.
I had to find a setting where the Green LED would turn off upon boot as the blue/green colour on the faceplate annoyed me!
I hope this helps. Below are some photos of the process:
What is the benefit of flashing these with Tasmota? HA integration?