Hello all,
I have read a dozen different threads already about missing 3rd party add-ons. A couple say they have solved it with the help of others but then didn’t post what the problem was.
I have a Pi. It’s already running NodeRed an MQTT broker and a LoraWan gateway. This actually all works preat. I want to have it run HomeAssistant as well. I cannot use an image cause obviously then I would need to get all my other services back up. I have HomeAssistant running and can even access it from the internet but I have no menu for adding add-ons. How can I get the add-on menu working?
How did you install HA? what instructions did you follow?
It makes a difference on whether you can use the add-ons or not.
I used the instructions under the heading
Manual Hassio Raspberry Pi Installation on Raspbian_
Then installed apparmor, network-manager and installed this as well
wget github/stedolan/jq/releases/download/jq-1.5/jq-1.5.tar.gz
and installed this
curl -fsSL get.docker -o get-docker.sh && sh get-docker.sh
Once that was done I could sucessfully use this to add hass.oi
sudo curl -sL raw.githubusercontent/home-assistant/hassio-build/master/install/hassio_install | bash -s – -m armv61
I added the service as well and it starts automatically when I reboot too.
I had to take the https and dot coms off my wget and curl commands cause of some rule here on the forum for new users. all the commands were sucessfull though what I have posed here is obviously not going to work.
Looking at the instructions on that website I can see where the confusion lies…
He says that when you use his instructions for installing Home Assistant that you will have installed Hassio. That isn’t correct. You will have ended up installing Home Assistant in a python virtual environment. That is a completely different install than Hassio. With that you won’t be able to use the hassio add-ons.
Then the next steps you posted looks like you may have also installed another HA a second time. That time it may have been hassio. I’m honestly not sure. Where did those instructions come from?
If you want to install hassio then you need to follow the instructions at the main HA website:
I’ve heard there is another way to install hassio in docker and I’m pretty sure you can get the same add-on functionality but I have no experience with that (or even hassio in general since I don’t use it - I use a straight HA install in docker) so I can’t really tell you how to do it.
Is it a big loss to have to start over from scratch on your Pi and install everything properly?
If not then that’s what I recommend doing since from what you posted I’m not entirely clear on what you’ve actually got installed and where.
I personally would go the docker route and maybe try to figure out how to add hassio directly to docker bypassing the hassio image directly installed on your pi. If you can’t figure that out at least you can still install those other services on the pi apart from your HA instance. Which I think is better anyway but that’s just my opinion.
And just an FYI, installing hassio from an image burned to an SD card results in that Pi not being able to install anything else outside of Hassio since it is running it’s own OS (hassOS). Everything else you run on the Pi from then on has to be installed and run from an add-on. At least that’s my understanding… So if you want to add other things to the Pi later that aren’t offered from the add-on repo then go with docker.
I got that his instructions have it running in a python virtual environment.
It installed all the files to a folder called /srv/homeassistant and i made the service
/etc/systemd/system/[email protected]
there is the line ExecStart=/srv/homeassistant/bin/hass
If I did what I think i did I am not actually running it in that virtual environment. I can start and stop the service and like i said before it is on autostart.
So far as reinstalling node-red mqtt and the lorawangateway uhh… no lol. that would be way too much hassle.
The site you sent is where I got the instalation… this is off that site. Only I added the correct arch to the end
sudo curl -sL raw.githubusercontent/home-assistant/hassio-build/master/install/hassio_install | bash -s – -m armv61
the site you linked and the site I linked are not the same site.
Yes, when you install the venv you then have control of the venv outside of the venv. That is the way I ran my HA on the raspberry Pi for 10 months before I went to it being installed on a NUC in Docker.
You are running HA in a venv that you installed following the instructions under the referenced heading on the website you linked to. That is not Hassio.
I’m not exactly sure where you got the idea that you needed to add “the correct arch to the end” to install hassio.
Frankly I’m not even sure what that might do especially if both of your HA installed versions both point to the same configuration file. That is where the port to access the HA front end is defined. If both of the versions (HA in a venv and Hassio) both try to use port 8123 (the default) then I’m not sure what the result will be. I’d say that the HA in the venv is winning since you have access to the front end but don’t see the hassio menu.
And again, I’m not even sure you CAN install hassio to a raspbian distro outside of a docker type environment but I don’t think you can. So I’m really not sure what that last command above actually accomplished.