3rd party One Wire sensors (DS2438)

What would be the direction/place to start looking to use esphome to read data from a third partu temp and humidity sensor?

Have handful of these [1wire T&H](https://www.unipi.technology/products/1-wire-temperature-and-humidity-sensors-382?categoryId=28&categorySlug=sensors) available. Currently the address is picked up, but not recognized

[15:38:06][C][gpio.one_wire:082]:     0x63858d5709646128 (DS18B20)
[15:38:06][C][gpio.one_wire:082]:     0x45187a441f64ff28 (DS18B20)
[15:38:06][C][gpio.one_wire:082]:     0x51096e441f64ff28 (DS18B20)
[15:38:06][C][gpio.one_wire:082]:     0x36000002815d0126 (Unknown)

Have the python code they use for reading the data
owdevice.py. Have some coding experience myself, may get a friendly developer to help and would be happy to contribute back to the community. Need some guidance on where to start and how to approach.

Appreciate any comment/direction! Maybe it’s wrong idea alltogether? :smiley:

this would be awesome :slight_smile:

connect the two 1 wire connectors together and it should work. For some reason they decided 1 wire should be two wires. The linked page has some info on using it with other controllers that are true to the 1 (really 3 with power and ground) wire philosophy.

also not clear why people like these. They seem expensive for what they are.