4 day weather forecast display using LVGL

I am building a display for the local weather and I had no problem displaying the information for todays weather. But I can’t figure out how to display a weather forecast for the next three days. It looks like recently a special object was added for this but I can’t access it.

This project seem to be able to do it but this code doesn’t work for me.

It says to use this code to create the forecast object. But I get errors when I put this in my configuration.yaml

- trigger:
    - platform: time_pattern
      minutes: /1
    - service: weather.get_forecasts
        type: daily
        entity_id: weather.casa
      response_variable: previsioni
    - name: Previsioni
      unique_id: weather_forecast
      state: "{{ now().isoformat() }}"
        forecast: "{{ previsioni['weather.casa']['forecast'] }}"

Is there a simple way to get a weather forecast on ESPHome. Or good directions for a complex way?

I got it working.


I created an example file SDL-weather-forcast.yaml

  # Weather packages
  # Build icon set from .svg files
  weather_icons_80: !include
    file: modules/weather/weather_icons.yaml
      size: 80
  # Display weather forcast using icon set (defined above)
  weather_forcast_80: !include
    file: modules/weather/weather_forecast.yaml
      size: 80

That part that took me the longest was using full color svg files for each weather icon. I now have a library that creates the icons with one line of code and another line to select the correct icon for the weather.

This topic has an example on how to get weather data to an e-ink display. That will work equally well on other displays:

Thanks you I did see that. Unfortunately Home assistant recently changed the way they do weather forecasts. So that 3 year old code no longer works.

This is the only project I can find that is using the current code

I think part of the issue is I’m using Accuweather and it looks like this does not work with the Homeassistant forecast system.

Your post here is very helpful

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I hacked around for a few hours and I got it. Part of the problem was I was using Accuweather and they only give you 25 lookups per day for free. So I was not able to do more testing with them. I switched to National Weather service but they only give you twice daily weather reports not daily. What I ended up doing is a bit convoluted I take the high temps from the first part of the day and low temp from the second.

Looks a bit weird but it works. A simple 3 day forecast. Now I just need to get this into ESPHome but I think that will be easy now.

  - trigger:
      - trigger: time_pattern
        hours: /1
      - action: weather.get_forecasts
          type: twice_daily
          entity_id: weather.kmht
        response_variable: weathertodaykmht
      - name: weather_forcast_kmht
        state: "{{ now().isoformat() }}"
          condition_0: >
            {{ weathertodaykmht["weather.kmht"].forecast[0].condition }}
          temperature_hi_0: >
            {{ weathertodaykmht["weather.kmht"].forecast[0].temperature | round }}
          temperature_lo_0: >
            {{ weathertodaykmht["weather.kmht"].forecast[1].temperature | round }}            
          day_0: >
            {{ as_timestamp(weathertodaykmht["weather.kmht"].forecast[0].datetime) | timestamp_custom('%A') }}

          condition_1: >
            {{ weathertodaykmht["weather.kmht"].forecast[2].condition }}
          temperature_hi_1: >
            {{ weathertodaykmht["weather.kmht"].forecast[2].temperature | round }}
          temperature_lo_1: >
            {{ weathertodaykmht["weather.kmht"].forecast[3].temperature | round }}   
          day_1: >
            {{ as_timestamp(weathertodaykmht["weather.kmht"].forecast[2].datetime) | timestamp_custom('%A') }}
          condition_2: >
            {{ weathertodaykmht["weather.kmht"].forecast[4].condition }}
          temperature_hi_2: >
            {{ weathertodaykmht["weather.kmht"].forecast[4].temperature | round }}
          temperature_lo_2: >
            {{ weathertodaykmht["weather.kmht"].forecast[5].temperature | round }}   
          day_2: >
            {{ as_timestamp(weathertodaykmht["weather.kmht"].forecast[4].datetime) | timestamp_custom('%A') }}    

I figured Madeleine’s repro would have updated to the new format, but apparently it hasn’t. So spitting to a mile long thread was not what I had in mind when I redirected you (right before taking off to my dayjob). Next time I’ll be more specific, sorry for that. Glad you found my posts to highlight the changes needed.

I got Accuweather working. It does have better data. I also made the layout a lot more complex and scalable.
