4 Gang Zigbee Scene Switch not working

I am posting for the first time so I apologize for any missteps.

I am trying to get this switch:
( ESW-0ZAA-EU) Wireless Scene Switch 21/17

to work with ZHA. I have it paired and it does respond, but its behavior is not as expected. the two right buttons fire off ZHA_Event s but the two left switches toggle a power switch. if I press the top left then it turns the switch on and the bottom left turns it off. they also will only do that and will only do it if the switch is in the opposing position.

I have attempted this solution:

with no success. I’ve tried re-pairing and the like. I am really not sure what more to do. Is there something I am missing? I am still fairly new to HA.

Thank you!

For anyone struggling with the 4 Gang Zigbee Switch. check its Device info in Home assistant. if it is a
TS004F than this is the most active discussion on the matter I have found:

Hello did you solve that ? I have the same devices (ESW-0ZAA-EU), and they are detected in the Tuya Integration as “Smart Wireless Switch M4 (unsupported) by Tuya”. Thank you.


Hi, I’m having the same button and I can’t find how to connect it to ZHA. All I see when I maintain a push is the battery status, I see no button appearing in ZHA. Could someone help me ?