4 inches Zigbee 3.0 Screen Aliexpress

Good morning to all.

I am a HomeAssistant user for several years, so far I have only had devices connected by Wifi with custom firmware (Mostly Sonoff Basic 1CH and some Touch), I also have some button panels using the Sonoff wifi dongle and recently I added also the Sonoff Zigbee-Wifi device, I have it integrated by Tasmota.

After a long search on the Internet especially shopping for prices, I have seen that Tuya/Smart Life is selling these Zigbee 3.0 screens that indicates that they work with their application, the price is very good and I wonder if the community knows anything about it or has experience with its use.



Well, I was going to be so mad at you, for exposing me to another thing ‘I had to buy because it is cool’ from AliExpress. However, luckly, I live in the ‘back woods’ of the USA :grin: :

Rated parameters: Max 10A 220V-, 50Hz

It does look like an interesting product at a amazing price point. I am guessing, some of the gurus here and on the Zigbee2MQTT forum will be dissecting the Tuya MCU DP protocols that are most likely needed to configure and operate this device. Keep a eye out for them. That said, I am guessing this device takes this Tuya protocol to a real ‘next level’.

Good success with your home automation and HA adventures in 2024 and beyond!


Thank you very much for the answer David.

You can be an economical and very interesting alternative for low budget domotics.

Let’s see if someone can give us more information about it.

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